A few other things that I noticed fairly quickly:
- How should I quit? - I found many ways to “quit” through
unhandled exceptions (escape enter, shift-fkey, ctrl-c enter
Escape (ascii code 27) should terminate the application. The story
about Ncurses and the escape key is wierd: I think it is trying to
compose a escape code, if no cobination key is pressed within a
second, the ascii code 27 should be omitted ?
^^^^^^^ → emitted?
See below for what happens for me when I hit escape
As to the delay, the ncurses man page mentions this in its environment
variables section:
Specifies the total time, in milliseconds, for which ncurses will
await a character sequence, e.g., a function key. The default
value, 1000 milliseconds, is enough for most uses. However, it is
made a variable to accommodate unusual applications.
- No backspace (or foward-delete)? ctrl-h didn’t work either
The delete-key is not yet supported.
The backspace-key (ascii code 9) should be bound to cmd_backspace.
Maybe your backspace-key is generating something else ?
Hitting backspace generates this in the log:
Control#dispatch: Unknown event occured
ncurses-event = 263
ctrl-h generates the same…
Can tell me what happens in the ‘log’ file if you press Escape ?
The message should look like the following:
Control#dispatch: Unknown event occured
ncurses-event = xxx
— [0] --------------------------------------------------
Fatal-Error in program!
please report this bug.
./control.rb:218:in dispatch' main.rb:26:in
main.rb:24:in loop' main.rb:27:in
main.rb:36:in `launch’
Given that in control.rb, lines 217-218:
when 27 # escape key
- Single line is fairly sluggish (I know, I know, premature
three lines is the minimum: 2 lines containing menues, 1 line
containing text.
Rigth now it raises an exception if one attempt to make the window
smaller than 3 lines.
Sorry, I forgot the word “scrolling” - scrolling by a single line is
quite slow, but it is the same speed as scrolling by a page so I
imagine it can be sped up in the future. It wasn’t really a big thing,
just thought I’d mention it:)
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 15:54:59 +0900 “Simon Strandgaard” 0bz63fz3m1qt3001@sneakemail.com wrote:
On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 14:58:45 +0900, Stephen Lewis wrote:
Stephen Lewis