[ANN] Active Record 0.8.3: Modules, mapping, and transactions

What's new in Active Record 0.8.3?



Active Records in modules are now treated nicely by both the mapping and association logic. The mapping can be more finely controlled with options for different primary keys than “id” and for non-integer keys. The dependent option on associations are now treated as a transaction. And many other changes:


* Added transactional protection for destroy
   (important for the new :dependent option) [Suggested by Carl Youngblood]

* Fixed so transactions are ignored on MyISAM tables for MySQL
   (use InnoDB to get transactions)

* Changed transactions so only exceptions will cause a rollback, not returned false.


* Added support for non-integer primary keys [Aredridel/earlier work by Michael Neumann]

     User.find "jdoe"
     Product.find "PDKEY-INT-12"

* Added option to specify naming method for primary key column.
   ActiveRecord::Base.primary_key_prefix_type can either be set to nil, :table_name, or
   :table_name_with_underscore. :table_name will assume that Product class has a primary key
   of "productid" and :table_name_with_underscore will assume "product_id".
   The default nil will just give "id".

* Added an overwriteable primary_key method that'll instruct AR to the name of the
   id column [Aredridele/earlier work by Guan Yang]

     class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
       def self.primary_key() "project_id" end

* Fixed that Active Records can safely associate inside and out of modules.

     class MyApplication::Account < ActiveRecord::Base
       has_many :clients # will look for MyApplication::Client
       has_many :interests, :class_name => "Business::Interest" # will look for Business::Interest

* Fixed that Active Records can safely live inside modules [Aredridel]

     class MyApplication::Account < ActiveRecord::Base


* Added freeze call to value object assignments to ensure they remain immutable
   [Spotted by Gavin Sinclair]

* Changed interface for specifying observed class in observers. Was OBSERVED_CLASS constant,
   now is observed_class() class method. This is more consistant with things like
   self.table_name(). Works like this:

     class AuditObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
       def self.observed_class() Account end
       def after_update(account)
         AuditTrail.new(account, "UPDATED")

   [Suggested by Gavin Sinclair]

* Create new Active Record objects by setting the attributes through a block. Like this:

     person = Person.new do |p|
       p.name = 'Freddy'
       p.age = 19

   [Suggested by Gavin Sinclair]

Get the new version on http://activerecord.rubyonrails.org or, even better, type "gem -Ri activerecord"
when the 0.8.3 version appears on the "gem -Rl" list (it should very soon).

Hang out with the Ruby on Rails crowd

Come by the IRC channel #rubyonrails on Freenode. Design decisions are aired here and you'll be able to ask questions about Active Record and the framework in general. Oh, and we're really friendly too!

Call for help!

Do you have working knowledge with and access to either Oracle, ODBC, Sybase, or DB2, I'd be really grateful if you would consider writing an adapter for Active Record. Adapters are usually just around 100 lines of code. You'll have three examples to look at, a well-specified interface[1], and almost 100 test cases to make it real easy. Luke Holden reports that he spent just a few hours getting SQLite and PostgreSQL adapters working.

[1] http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/ConnectionAdapters/AbstractAdapter.html

Active Record -- Object-relation mapping put on rails

Active Record connects business objects and database tables to create a persistable
domain model where logic and data is presented in one wrapping. It's an implementation of the object-relational mapping (ORM) pattern by the same name as described by Martin Fowler:

   "An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates
        the database access, and adds domain logic on that data."

Active Records main contribution to the pattern is to relieve the original of two stunting problems: lack of associations and inheritance. By adding a simple domain language-like set of macros to describe the former and integrating the Single Table Inheritance pattern for the latter, Active Record narrows the gap of functionality between the data mapper and active record approach.

A short rundown of the major features:

* Automated mapping between classes and tables, attributes and columns.
    class Product < ActiveRecord::Base; end

    ...is automatically mapped to the table named "products", such as:

    CREATE TABLE products (
      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      name varchar(255),
      PRIMARY KEY (id)

    ...which again gives Product#name and Product#name=(new_name)

* Associations between objects controlled by simple meta-programming macros.
    class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :clients
      has_one :account
      belong_to :conglomorate

* Aggregations of value objects controlled by simple meta-programming macros.
    class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
      composed_of :balance, :class_name => "Money",
                  :mapping => %w(balance amount)
      composed_of :address,
                  :mapping => [%w(address_street street), %w(address_city city)]

* Validation rules that can differ for new or existing objects.
    class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
      def validate # validates on both creates and updates
        errors.add_on_empty "title"

      def validate_on_update
        errors.add_on_empty "password"

* Callbacks as methods or ques on the entire lifecycle
   (instantiation, saving, destroying, validating, etc).

    class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      def before_destroy # is called just before Person#destroy

    class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
      after_find :eager_load, 'self.class.announce(#{id})'

   Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html

* Observers for the entire lifecycle
    class CommentObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
      def after_create(comment) # is called just after Comment#save
        NotificationService.send_email("david@loudthinking.com", comment)

* Inheritance hierarchies
    class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end
    class Firm < Company; end
    class Client < Company; end
    class PriorityClient < Client; end

* Transaction support on both a database and object level. The latter is implemented
   by using Transaction::Simple

     # Just database transaction
     Account.transaction do

     # Database and object transaction
     Account.transaction(david, mary) do

* Direct manipulation (instead of service invocation)

   So instead of (Hibernate example):

      long pkId = 1234;
      DomesticCat pk = (DomesticCat) sess.load( Cat.class, new Long(pkId) );
      // something interesting involving a cat...
      sess.flush(); // force the SQL INSERT

   Active Record lets you:

      pkId = 1234
      cat = Cat.find(pkId)
      # something even more interesting involving a the same cat...

* Database abstraction through simple adapters (~100 lines) with a shared connector

    ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "sqlite", :dbfile => "dbfile")

      :adapter => "mysql",
      :host => "localhost",
      :username => "me",
      :password => "secret",
      :database => "activerecord"

* Logging support for Log4r and Logger

     ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
     ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Log4r::Logger.new("Application Log")


Active Record attempts to provide a coherent wrapping for the inconvenience that is object-relational mapping. The prime directive for this mapping has been to minimize the amount of code needed to built a real-world domain model. This is made possible by relying on a number of conventions that make it easy for Active Record to infer complex relations and structures from a minimal amount of explicit direction.

Convention over Configuration:
* No XML-files!
* Lots of reflection and run-time extension
* Magic is not inherently a bad word

Admit the Database:
* Lets you drop down to SQL for odd cases and performance
* Doesn't attempt to duplicate or replace data definitions

David Heinemeier Hansson wrote:

What's new in Active Record 0.8.3?

Active Records in modules are now treated nicely by both the mapping and association logic. The mapping can be more finely controlled with options for different primary keys than “id” and for non-integer keys. The dependent option on associations are now treated as a transaction. And many other changes:


* Added transactional protection for destroy
  (important for the new :dependent option) [Suggested by Carl Youngblood]

* Fixed so transactions are ignored on MyISAM tables for MySQL
  (use InnoDB to get transactions)

* Changed transactions so only exceptions will cause a rollback, not returned false.


* Added support for non-integer primary keys [Aredridel/earlier work by Michael Neumann]

    User.find "jdoe"
    Product.find "PDKEY-INT-12"

* Added option to specify naming method for primary key column.
  ActiveRecord::Base.primary_key_prefix_type can either be set to nil, :table_name, or
  :table_name_with_underscore. :table_name will assume that Product class has a primary key
  of "productid" and :table_name_with_underscore will assume "product_id".
  The default nil will just give "id".


Just tested it. It works find when you want only on object return, but fails when you do this:

ua = User.find(8,9,10)

The cause, from the output I got, is that the field used to order the returned rows is still name 'id'


David, I'm curious about this design decision. I went the exact opposite
direction with transactions in Kansas. Regardless of whether transactions
are implemented at the DBD layer or by the database, transactions are always
implemented at the object level. I find it interesting that you went the
other way, and am curious about the reasoning behind it?

Thanks. Active Record looks like it is shaping up nicely!

Kirk Haines


On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:15:37 +0900, David Heinemeier Hansson wrote

* Fixed so transactions are ignored on MyISAM tables for MySQL
   (use InnoDB to get transactions)

David Heinemeier Hansson wrote:

* Create new Active Record objects by setting the attributes through a block. Like this:

    person = Person.new do |p|
      p.name = 'Freddy'
      p.age = 19

Why is the better than:

person = Person.new(
     'name' => 'David',
     'age' => 12



Kirk Haines wrote:

* Fixed so transactions are ignored on MyISAM tables for MySQL
  (use InnoDB to get transactions)
David, I'm curious about this design decision. I went the exact opposite direction with transactions in Kansas. Regardless of whether transactions are implemented at the DBD layer or by the database, transactions are always implemented at the object level. I find it interesting that you went the other way, and am curious about the reasoning behind it?

Another option worth considering is using LOCK TABLES for MyISAM tables. MySQL's argument on this is that the MyISAM engine is about 3 times faster than the transactional engines and for those times when you need more than one query to accomplish your goals, locking the tables doesn't cause you to incur a large performance penalty. It still doesn't protect you from a server outage or something but otherwise it works pretty well.

I can imagine some scenarios where you might end up with inconsistent data if you don't lock tables before performing a series of queries.



On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 21:15:37 +0900, David Heinemeier Hansson wrote

David, I'm curious about this design decision. I went the exact opposite
direction with transactions in Kansas. Regardless of whether transactions
are implemented at the DBD layer or by the database, transactions are always
implemented at the object level. I find it interesting that you went the
other way, and am curious about the reasoning behind it?

Oh, this was referring to database transactions. Before, if you attempted to create a database transaction block for MyISAM tables, it would bork. Now it'll just ignore MySQL's complaints.

The object transactions are separate from this and require that you name the objects going into that with the transaction call.

Thanks. Active Record looks like it is shaping up nicely!

Thank you..


David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

Just tested it. It works find when you want only on object return, but fails when you do this:

ua = User.find(8,9,10)

The cause, from the output I got, is that the field used to order the returned rows is still name 'id'

Good spotting! This fix is in the CVS and will be part of 0.8.4.


David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

David Heinemeier Hansson wrote:
>* Create new Active Record objects by setting the attributes through a
>block. Like this:
> person = Person.new do |p|
> p.name = 'Freddy'
> p.age = 19
> end

Why is the better than:

person = Person.new(
    'name' => 'David',
    'age' => 12

Maybe because you have more freedom to do complex operations like this:

> person = Person.new do |p|
> p.name = 'Freddy'

         ... code here to compute age


On Thursday, 10 June 2004 at 12:46:09 +0900, John W. Long wrote:

> p.age = age
> end

Jim Freeze
... A solemn, unsmiling, sanctimonious old iceberg who looked like he
was waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity.
    -- Mark Twain

John W. Long wrote:

* Create new Active Record objects by setting the attributes through a
  block. Like this:

    person = Person.new do |p|
      p.name = 'Freddy'
      p.age = 19

Why is the better than:

person = Person.new(
     'name' => 'David',
     'age' => 12

It's easier to type for a start. Although the aesthetics of it are
subjective, it has some general advantages as an idiom:

* #initialize doesn't have to do any hash processing to support it

* since you're calling methods, the behaviour of 'name=' is respected

* it's self-documenting; you look at the list of attributes of the class
   and know what you can specify in the constructor

As it happens, none of these advantages apply to ActiveRecord: the method
has to do hash processing anyway, there is no method name= (it's a shallow
method_missing trick), and no attributes are documented.

But it's IMO a good idiom and I'm happy to see it apply to ActiveRecord.
Note that it takes a single line of code to support:

  yielf self if block_given?


Ah! I follow you.

Was the decision to do it that way mainly to make it easy to just use

To my mind, if one wants to perform a transaction, it is safer to just have
everything that could be under the transaction under it. I look at it as a
parallel structure sort of thing. At the database level, a transaction is a
transaction for everything. So, at the object level, when a transaction is
entered, all of the objects are part of that transaction. There is also a
database transaction that is running below that at the same time. That way,
if one wants to directly write some SQL and bypass the normal object methods
of doing things, that SQL still executes within the context of the

Is there a benefit to being able to pick and choose which objects are part
of the transaction and which are not that I am being too dense to see right
now? What are your thoughts?




On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 04:30:27 +0900, David Heinemeier Hansson wrote

Oh, this was referring to database transactions. Before, if you
attempted to create a database transaction block for MyISAM tables,
it would bork. Now it'll just ignore MySQL's complaints.

The object transactions are separate from this and require that you
name the objects going into that with the transaction call.

Is there a benefit to being able to pick and choose which objects are part
of the transaction and which are not that I am being too dense to see right
now? What are your thoughts?

It could very well be that you're interested in the data that cause the invalidation. So let's imagine that name = "David" will cause the transaction to fail. I'd really to be able to access that value afterwards. This is how the validations stuff in AR works as well. So attempt to validate the data, if it fails, you can present the wrong data for correction.

That and, personally, I don't really need the object transactions most of the time. So it's nice to be able to turn it off by not specifically requiring it. Transactions are not free of performance penalties (as Austin mentioned).


David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

It could very well be that you're interested in the data that cause
the invalidation. So let's imagine that name = "David" will cause
the transaction to fail. I'd really to be able to access that value
afterwards. This is how the validations stuff in AR works as well.
So attempt to validate the data, if it fails, you can present the
wrong data for correction.

If a transaction fails because of an exception, the exception can be caught
before the rollback, though. And if the rollback is an explicit one -- the
code decides that something is wrong and calls a rollback before any
exception is encountered -- then one can choose to do something with the
incorrect value before the rollback.

That and, personally, I don't really need the object transactions
most of the time. So it's nice to be able to turn it off by not
specifically requiring it. Transactions are not free of performance
penalties (as Austin mentioned).

I'm finding that object transactions are handy for performance and/or for
validation. If one is making a lot of changes to an ORM object, but it's
only the final value that is really of long term interest, wrapping
everything in a transaction means that only the final value makes its way to
the db. Or, if the values in the object are subject to user input and
manipulation, you probably don't want to write that data out to the database
until it has been validated. So while I wasn't sure when I implemented
them, I'm finding myself using them all over the place.

Performance...Hmmm. There is an overhead to transactions. That's one of
the things I have been working on minimizing, myself. Can't really counter-
argue you there. :slight_smile:

Here's another question -- is there any way to do transactions over
object/row insertions with ActiveRecord? i.e. start a transaction; do
something that creates a new object/row; incur and exception or decide that
there is a problem and rollback; table/objects are unchanged. No? Maybe?
Yes? My gut sense is that you can't because you do have to specify the
objects to have transactions applied to them when entering the transaction
block, and if the object doesn't exist then, you can't do that. However, am
I wrong?

Thanks again. This is interesting stuff.

Kirk Haines


On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 04:52:00 +0900, David Heinemeier Hansson wrote