[ANN] acgi-0.1.0




   as·sid·u·ous (adj.)

     1. constant in application or attention; diligent: an assiduous worker who
     strove for perfection.

     2. unceasing; persistent: assiduous research.

   acgi : assiduous or ara's cgi (emphasis on the 'ass' in assiduous) a drop-in
   replacement for ruby's built-in cgi that provides copious features such as

     - no apache modules
     - persistence
     - speed
     - simplicity
     - familiarity
     - no apache modules
     - browser neutrality
     - could easily be made platform independent
     - no apache modules
     - no special webserver setup or system privledges required
     - ability to install to a webserver via ftp
     - no apache modules
     - session affinity, all request handled by one process
     - automatic reload if code changes
     - ability to run script simulaneously as acgi and cgi for debuggging
     - ability to easily start/stop/restart/check-on running server
     - 178 lines of ruby code (and one c program)
     - no apache modules


   case one, a simple cgi that just dumps the environment:

   with acgi:

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ ab -n100 -c4 http://localhost/acgi/acgi-0.1.0/ | grep 'Requests per second'
     Requests per second: 74.93 [#/sec] (mean)


     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ ab -n100 -c4 http://localhost/acgi/acgi-0.1.0/server.cgi | grep 'Requests per second'
     Requests per second: 18.76 [#/sec] (mean)

   a more realistic cgi that uses sessions and sleeps for 1 second to mimic
   connecting to a database:

   with acgi:

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ ab -n100 -c4 http://localhost/acgi/acgi-0.1.0/ | grep 'Requests per second'
     Requests per second: 24.20 [#/sec] (mean)


     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ ab -n100 -c4 http://localhost/acgi/acgi-0.1.0/server.cgi | grep 'Requests per second'
     Requests per second: 3.63 [#/sec] (mean)


   the design of acgi is similar to that of fastcgi (http://www.fastcgi.com) but
   requires no external modules, configuration of apache, etc.

   a acgi application consists of a cgi server backend which loops, handling all
   incoming requests; the requests are delegated to this backend server via a
   simple, fast to start up, 'index.cgi' program written in c. communication
   between 'index.cgi' and it's backend server is via named pipes (fifos):


                         > index.cgi | <- transient compiled c code
                         > > >
                         > fifos for stderr, stdout, stdin, env
                         > > >
                        / | \
                 > >
                 > cgi server | <- persistent looping ruby code
                 > >

   note that the architechture is similar in spirit to fastcgi - it provides
   speed by avoiding startup overhead and redundant work like database connection
   setup. in this case, contrasted with fastcgi, the whole thing takes place
   outside of the webserver in the application domain and, therfore, communicates
   via named pipes rather than unix domain sockets.


   - request comes in to web server

   - request is passed to index.cgi which, itself, is a very simple compiled c
     program (ultra fast startup time) which in turn does the following

       - make sure the ruby server is running, spawn it in the background iff
         required. this is a non-blocking operation that functions as a simple
         process manager in order to ensure a server is running at all times.

       - aqurire a lock (fcntl) to prevent any other concurrent invocations of
         index.cgi from overlapping - all invocations procede one at a time in
         the order of receipt. there are never concurrent requests to the
         server. we can't all send data down the pipe at once.

       - serialize the environment and send it down the pipe

       - read any stderr/stdout from the ruby server via fifos and write them to
         stderr/stdout respectively. stdout and stderr go to the 'normal' places
         - the client and webserver log respectively.

       - release lock - automatic when index.cgi process dies anyhow

   - the ruby server, for it's part, does the following

     - aquire a lock which prevent multiple copies of itself from running
       simoultaneously. this is the same lock the c program checks in a
       non-blocking fashion to see if the server is running.

     - loops doing the following

       - loading the environment

       - handling request with stderr/stdout/stdin redirected to pipes being read
         by index.cgi, the compiled c program

   this cycle is mostly transparent to the cgi progam. for instace, to convert
   an existing cgi program into an acgi program one would simply change

     require 'cgi'

     cgi = CGI::new
     cgi.out{ content }


     require 'cgi'
     require 'acgi

     ACGI::each_cgi do |cgi|
       cgi.out{ content }

   the same cgi script acts both as the backend to the index.cgi c program and
   the frontend to any 'normal' cgi requests. the works as follows: say you
   name your cgi program 'server.cgi' and it lives in a directory under the
   webroot like so


   then, assuming a webserver setup that uses index.cgi for directory indexing,
   one can hit a url like




   and the fast version will be run. hitting


   results in normal (slow) cgi mode - useful for debugging.


   shoddy - but getting better (note move to 0.1.0 !!).

   this version is proof of concept only!!! it's likely to run only on linux,
   though it may run on many *nix platforms. or maybe not. the sun could
   explode if you run the example program. security is not considered.


     - unpack tarball in webroot

     - make

     - point browser at


       to see the acgi version or

     - point browser at


       to see the slow cgi version

   obviously you'll need cgi setup for you web server, index.cgi set for
   directory index, ruby installed, etc. but nothing out of the ordinary.

   the server program will support some basic funtionality, as shown by these

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi status
     alive (10882)

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi pid

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi stop
     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi status
     dead (10899)

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi start
     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi status
     alive (10904)

     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi restart
     [ahoward@localhost acgi-0.1.0]$ sudo ./server.cgi status
     alive (10904)

   the function is obvious. sudo only needs to be used if the server ended up
   getting started by the webserver, if it's running as you it is not needed.

   for testing a server can be started by hand using

     ./server.cgi --server

   though you may actually want

     sudo -u apache ./server.cgi --server

   to run as the webserver uid.


   posixlock - included in depends dir, built during make - no need to install.


   > 42


   i think having something out there that was almost as fast as fastcgi, but
   without the 'drain bamage' of installing it would be most useful. plus i'm
   hopeful that it would actully be made quite a bit faster. even if that turns
   out not to be true i imagine it'd be fast enough for many applications - you
   could buy another node for the time spent installing/configuring/maintaining
   fastcgi and cluster them to make it up :wink: i'd like to get a minimal package
   going that supports windows and *nix. if you are interested in participating
   please contact me. mostly i'm in need of windows c/ipc knowledge - but i'm
   considering using the apr library (apache portable runtime) to write the
   index.c bit in a portable fashion which minimizes the brain power needed.
   it's pretty simple c anyhow.


   ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov



email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna


Hi Ara.

Great Work, really useful.

ACGI is great for webservers without fcgi support.
I've managed acgi to work with fnord, a super small(13k static binary)
and fast webserver and indeed, benchmarking gave me impressing results.
Standard cgi is around 20 req/s as expected and acgi around 120-150
req/s .

What do you think about running multiple ruby servers, each with its
own ipc.
The index.cgi tries each server to acquire a lock and chooses the first
free one.
Should improve performance for non-trivial cgis.


Great Work, really useful.

thanks matthias!

ACGI is great for webservers without fcgi support. I've managed acgi to
work with fnord, a super small(13k static binary) and fast webserver and
indeed, benchmarking gave me impressing results. Standard cgi is around 20
req/s as expected and acgi around 120-150 req/s .

wow. on apache i see only around 4-5 times speedup. thanks alot for testing.

What do you think about running multiple ruby servers, each with its own
ipc. The index.cgi tries each server to acquire a lock and chooses the
first free one. Should improve performance for non-trivial cgis.

exactly my plan. essentially the simplest round robin/random load balancer.
dan fitzpatrick has suggesting running multiple instances behind blance. at
this point i'm working to make things faster. i've been tweaking lots of
stuff with no real luck yet but my understanding of fcgi suggest i should be
able to be closer to it's speed than i am. also on the radar is re-writing
index.c using the apr (apache portable runtime) so it'd compile on any
platform and, along with this, a binary windows dist. the next step would be
writing some code generation/configuration script so i could do away with the
makefile. in any case it's in the works and suggestions are more than

an io/ipc/c gurus out there please chime in with a two lines fix to make it
faster please :wink:




On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Matthias Georgi wrote:

email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna


Hi Ara,

out of curiosity, I have been playing around with my apache2 setup and
benchmarked cgi, acgi and fcgi. I used this configuration for maximum

<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 100
MinSpareServers 100
MaxSpareServers 100
MaxClients 250
MaxRequestsPerChild 50

Running on my Athlon-2800 I get these results:

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 52.00 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 306.55 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 952.44 [#/sec] (mean)

I think acgi could outperform fcgi, because the fcgi-protocol takes
cares about multiplexing and the ruby-fcgi is not multi-threaded. So
this multiplexing thing is maybe overhead. Do you plan a multithreaded
implementation of acgi on the ruby side? I guess not.

On the other hand the bottleneck is maybe the additional fork and exec,
so mod_acgi is maybe worth doing.


Hi Ara,

out of curiosity, I have been playing around with my apache2 setup and
benchmarked cgi, acgi and fcgi. I used this configuration for maximum

<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 100
MinSpareServers 100
MaxSpareServers 100
MaxClients 250
MaxRequestsPerChild 50

valuable - thanks for sharing.

Running on my Athlon-2800 I get these results:

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 52.00 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 306.55 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 952.44 [#/sec] (mean)

wow - not bad. but could be better eh.

I think acgi could outperform fcgi, because the fcgi-protocol takes cares
about multiplexing and the ruby-fcgi is not multi-threaded. So this
multiplexing thing is maybe overhead. Do you plan a multithreaded
implementation of acgi on the ruby side? I guess not.

i've been playing with all sorts of things but am unclear as to what the
bottleneck is. any suggestions welcome.

On the other hand the bottleneck is maybe the additional fork and exec, so
mod_acgi is maybe worth doing.

maybe. just running

   ./index.cgi </dev/null>/dev/null

shows times between 0.001 and 0.01. so it seems the low side is about one
hundred and the high around 1000 rps. however, that it on my machine where i
only get about 80 and 160 rps for acgi and fcgi respectively. i've tried
various things in the c program (pthreads, forking) to make it faster and it
makes little difference afaikt - so i think the speed must come on the ruby
side. right now i'm thinking of a way operate in non-blocking mode
exclusively but it'll take a little coding on the c side. anyhow, i'm out of
town for a few days and will consider while i'm away.

again, thanks for looking at this.




On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Matthias Georgi wrote:

email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna



My applause to you on trying to replace FastCGI. I gave up on it after inexplicable weirdness began to set in.

Fork/exec overhead is typically small, and with caching, shared libraries, etc. there is likely little to be gained by making your index.cgi a module (and penalty a plenty).

Try timing the fifo transit and locking. One way of side stepping the fifo limitation is to consider shared memory mapped files (via mmap) which are frighteningly fast and cut the kernel transit out all together.



On Sep 17, 2005, at 09:11, Ara.T.Howard wrote:

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Matthias Georgi wrote:

Hi Ara,

out of curiosity, I have been playing around with my apache2 setup and
benchmarked cgi, acgi and fcgi. I used this configuration for maximum

<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 100
MinSpareServers 100
MaxSpareServers 100
MaxClients 250
MaxRequestsPerChild 50

valuable - thanks for sharing.

Running on my Athlon-2800 I get these results:

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 52.00 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 306.55 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 952.44 [#/sec] (mean)

wow - not bad. but could be better eh.

I think acgi could outperform fcgi, because the fcgi-protocol takes cares
about multiplexing and the ruby-fcgi is not multi-threaded. So this
multiplexing thing is maybe overhead. Do you plan a multithreaded
implementation of acgi on the ruby side? I guess not.

i've been playing with all sorts of things but am unclear as to what the
bottleneck is. any suggestions welcome.

On the other hand the bottleneck is maybe the additional fork and exec, so
mod_acgi is maybe worth doing.

maybe. just running

  ./index.cgi </dev/null>/dev/null

shows times between 0.001 and 0.01. so it seems the low side is about one
hundred and the high around 1000 rps. however, that it on my machine where i
only get about 80 and 160 rps for acgi and fcgi respectively. i've tried
various things in the c program (pthreads, forking) to make it faster and it
makes little difference afaikt - so i think the speed must come on the ruby
side. right now i'm thinking of a way operate in non-blocking mode
exclusively but it'll take a little coding on the c side. anyhow, i'm out of
town for a few days and will consider while i'm away.

again, thanks for looking at this.



> email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
> phone :: 303.497.6469
> Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
> Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna

My applause to you on trying to replace FastCGI. I gave up on it after
inexplicable weirdness began to set in.

i know the feelings. it can be setup well - but it's non-trivial.

Fork/exec overhead is typically small, and with caching, shared libraries,
etc. there is likely little to be gained by making your index.cgi a module
(and penalty a plenty).

this is what i'm hoping. also i strongly feel that writing an apache module
would be the path to ruin.

Try timing the fifo transit and locking. One way of side stepping the fifo
limitation is to consider shared memory mapped files (via mmap) which are
frighteningly fast and cut the kernel transit out all together.

yeah... but an mmap protocol would not block when the the 'pipe was full' and
would require a custom com protocol. i am considering it though. i haven't
given up on other alternative yet thought - not least of which a c cgi
extension - perhaps a wrapper on cgic.

btw. i you are interested in playing around with the code let me know - i
could use some help :wink:



Hi Ara,

out of curiosity, I have been playing around with my apache2 setup and
benchmarked cgi, acgi and fcgi. I used this configuration for maximum

<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 100
MinSpareServers 100
MaxSpareServers 100
MaxClients 250
MaxRequestsPerChild 50

valuable - thanks for sharing.

Running on my Athlon-2800 I get these results:

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 52.00 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 306.55 [#/sec] (mean)

# ab -n100 -c10 | grep "Requests per
Requests per second: 952.44 [#/sec] (mean)

wow - not bad. but could be better eh.

I think acgi could outperform fcgi, because the fcgi-protocol takes cares
about multiplexing and the ruby-fcgi is not multi-threaded. So this
multiplexing thing is maybe overhead. Do you plan a multithreaded
implementation of acgi on the ruby side? I guess not.

i've been playing with all sorts of things but am unclear as to what the
bottleneck is. any suggestions welcome.

On the other hand the bottleneck is maybe the additional fork and exec, so
mod_acgi is maybe worth doing.

maybe. just running

  ./index.cgi </dev/null>/dev/null

shows times between 0.001 and 0.01. so it seems the low side is about one
hundred and the high around 1000 rps. however, that it on my machine where i
only get about 80 and 160 rps for acgi and fcgi respectively. i've tried
various things in the c program (pthreads, forking) to make it faster and it
makes little difference afaikt - so i think the speed must come on the ruby
side. right now i'm thinking of a way operate in non-blocking mode
exclusively but it'll take a little coding on the c side. anyhow, i'm out of
town for a few days and will consider while i'm away.

again, thanks for looking at this.


====================================================================== =========
> email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
> phone :: 303.497.6469
> Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
> Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna
====================================================================== =========



On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Dan Janowski wrote:

On Sep 17, 2005, at 09:11, Ara.T.Howard wrote:

On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, Matthias Georgi wrote:


email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna
