With great happiness we bring to you the 2005 IORCC entries:
- The Programming Language `NegaPosi'
- P2P
- primes less than 1000 ( 2005 Obfuscated Ruby Contest )
- Ruby Quiz Loader
- Pretty numbers
- /slash, is this C++ or ruby?
- Charlie the Smiling Fish
- Lost-key XOR-Vigenere decryptor
- spqr - convert from roman numerals
Please use the IORCC Judicial Guidelines as well as your own criteria
to place your ONE VOTE and help us find a People's Choice Award winner.
We had the voting system up and tested, yet of course Murphy came to
the party. When rolled out to a outside-the-lan server jix had
problems that still have not been resolved. If anyone is able to
facilitate his work to behave please find him on IRC and chat with him.