I am looking for a nice way to create animations using ruby and
preferably gtk. However I found it hard to find any examples whatso-
ever. I did find the sokoban Ruby/GnomeCancas2 sample program, the
gnomecanvas sounded promessing however there is no windows port and
running on windows is definitely neccesary (I’ll probably have to do
some demo-ing on windows computers as it is partly a school assignment).
I was wondering if anyone here knows how I best can proceed and possibly
even has some example scripts as I wasn’t ably to locate any simple
examples other than sokoban.
Wouter Lueks wrote:
I am looking for a nice way to create animations using ruby and
preferably gtk. However I found it hard to find any examples whatso-
ever. I did find the sokoban Ruby/GnomeCancas2 sample program, the
gnomecanvas sounded promessing however there is no windows port and
running on windows is definitely neccesary (I’ll probably have to do
some demo-ing on windows computers as it is partly a school assignment).
I was wondering if anyone here knows how I best can proceed and possibly
even has some example scripts as I wasn’t ably to locate any simple
examples other than sokoban.
Mmh, maybe you could use opengl? or SDL? there are Ruby libs for those
in RAA like opengl-0.32d or rudl or ruby-sdl, I know that the first
works on windows(was playing with it yesterday, SDL should be available