.. and ... aren't operators, maybe they should be?

I was just wondering if maybe the range construction syntax could be
implemented as a set of operators?


class Object
       def ..(other)
             Range.new(self, other)
       def ...(other)
             Range.new(self, other, true)

This wouldn't implement the parser much (I don't think any way) and
it could be useful for things like
defining inifinite lazy lists, or other ranges with weird natures


class InfRange
     attr_reader :first
      def take(n)
             i = self.first
             1.upto(n) { yield(i); i = i.succ }
      def initialize(n)
             @first = n

class Fixnum
           def ..(other)
                 if other.nil?
                     Range.new(self, other)
         def ...(other)
               if other.nil?
                  Range.new(self, other, true)

(1..inf).take(5) do |x|
         p x

Ok thats a pretty silly example, but lets say succ was more
complicated than just self + 1

Eh maybe I'm crazy and this is useless. Just seems to be in line with
<< and + etc. being changeable.

Nobody likes this idea? Or is it just so dumb its not worthy of a response? :wink:


On 5/5/05, Logan Capaldo <logancapaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

I was just wondering if maybe the range construction syntax could be
implemented as a set of operators?


class Object
       def ..(other)
             Range.new(self, other)
       def ...(other)
             Range.new(self, other, true)

This wouldn't implement the parser much (I don't think any way) and
it could be useful for things like
defining inifinite lazy lists, or other ranges with weird natures


class InfRange
     attr_reader :first
      def take(n)
             i = self.first
             1.upto(n) { yield(i); i = i.succ }
      def initialize(n)
             @first = n

class Fixnum
           def ..(other)
                 if other.nil?
                     Range.new(self, other)
         def ...(other)
               if other.nil?
                  Range.new(self, other, true)

(1..inf).take(5) do |x|
         p x

Ok thats a pretty silly example, but lets say succ was more
complicated than just self + 1

Eh maybe I'm crazy and this is useless. Just seems to be in line with
<< and + etc. being changeable.


I was just wondering if maybe the range construction syntax could be
implemented as a set of operators?


This wouldn't implement the parser much (I don't think any way) and
it could be useful for things like
defining inifinite lazy lists, or other ranges with weird natures


(1..inf).take(5) do |x|
         p x

Say `inf = 1/0.0', that works.

Ok thats a pretty silly example, but lets say succ was more
complicated than just self + 1

Eh maybe I'm crazy and this is useless. Just seems to be in line with
<< and + etc. being changeable.

You may redefine a classes `<=>' operator and its `succ'
method before you use its instances as range limits.

The compare operator is needed for initialization of the
range and for the `include?' test. The `succ' method is used for
`to_a' and `each'.

Here is another infinity implementation:

    class InfClass
      def initialize ; @s = +1 ; end
      def negate ; @s = -@s ; self ; end
      def -@ ; dup.negate ; end
      def <=> oth ; @s ; end
      include Comparable

    class String
      alias oldcmp <=>
      def <=> oth
        oldcmp( oth) || -(oth <=> self)

    Inf = InfClass.new
    puts Inf < "x"
    puts "x"..Inf
    puts -Inf.."x"

This is not a very good example as `succ' doesn't make very
much sense for an infinity value.



Am Freitag, 06. Mai 2005, 07:22:09 +0900 schrieb Logan Capaldo:

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

Logan Capaldo wrote:

Nobody likes this idea? Or is it just so dumb its not worthy of a response? :wink:

Heh... so far I've never felt a need for these to
be operators.

I don't *think* it's a dumb idea. But is it worth
the trouble of implementing?


I think the problem is that it was talked to death about six or eight
months ago, in one of the longest counter-examples to Goodwin's law I've
ever seen. If the topic interests you, check the archives for a bunch
of different insights into people's thinking.



On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 13:51, Logan Capaldo wrote:

On 5/5/05, Logan Capaldo <logancapaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was just wondering if maybe the range construction syntax could be
> implemented as a set of operators?

Nobody likes this idea? Or is it just so dumb its not worthy of a response? :wink:

"Logan Capaldo" <logancapaldo@gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:4521f6680505061351685b2b5e@mail.gmail.com...

I was just wondering if maybe the range construction syntax could be
implemented as a set of operators?


class Object
       def ..(other)
             Range.new(self, other)
       def ...(other)
             Range.new(self, other, true)

This wouldn't implement the parser much (I don't think any way) and
it could be useful for things like
defining inifinite lazy lists, or other ranges with weird natures


class InfRange
     attr_reader :first
      def take(n)
             i = self.first
             1.upto(n) { yield(i); i = i.succ }
      def initialize(n)
             @first = n

class Fixnum
           def ..(other)
                 if other.nil?
                     Range.new(self, other)
         def ...(other)
               if other.nil?
                  Range.new(self, other, true)

(1..inf).take(5) do |x|
         p x

Ok thats a pretty silly example, but lets say succ was more
complicated than just self + 1

Eh maybe I'm crazy and this is useless. Just seems to be in line with
<< and + etc. being changeable.

Nobody likes this idea? Or is it just so dumb its not worthy of a response? :wink:

I didn't see you first posting - maybe it was lost somewhere along the way and that's why nobody reacted.

First I thought, this is a good idea. Here are some caveats / remarks:

If you redefine Fixnum#... (assuming it was an ordinary operator) in order to create a custom range with "1...3" then you will see a lot strange behavior of existing code. In fact it might do more harm than good.

Ok, to avoid that, you would need to define YourSpecialClass#... - but if you need a new class anyway, you can as well just define a new Range type and use its constructor like "SpecialRange.new(1, 3)" or "SpecialRange[1, 3]". Or you define Array#to_special so you can do "for i in [1, 3].to_special". You can even define Range#to_special that does the job, so you can do "for i in (1...3).to_special". All these are not much typing overhead but show better that you're doing weired things...

As illustration:

class SomeRange
  include Enumerable

  def self.(a,b) self.new a, b end

  def initialize(a,b) @a, @b = a, b end

  def each
    i = @a

    until i == @b
      yield i
      i = i.succ


for n in SomeRange.new(1, 3)
  puts n

=> #<SomeRange:0x10188670 @b=3, @a=1>

for n in SomeRange[1, 3]
  puts n

=> #<SomeRange:0x10183648 @b=3, @a=1>

Not that bad, ain't it?

Kind regards



On 5/5/05, Logan Capaldo <logancapaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

Re-re-implementing. There were (IIRC) at least two working versions
floating around, and a bunch of other "spaceship" forms that were
discussed and may well have been implemented using the "user defined
operators" parser patch.



On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 14:08, Hal Fulton wrote:

Logan Capaldo wrote:
> Nobody likes this idea? Or is it just so dumb its not worthy of a response? :wink:

Heh... so far I've never felt a need for these to
be operators.

I don't *think* it's a dumb idea. But is it worth
the trouble of implementing?