Hello all,
Just downloaded Amrita and playing with it - looks really cool so far!
I have a couple of static (i.e. no dynamic data) web sites that share a
common structure (framesets and the like) and I thought I’d have a go at
specifying the structure using Amrita, and then provide variable content
for the sites. I am having some difficulty applying the information
provided in the docs to a specific problem:
Given the following template:
I am having trouble seeing how I provide data for this template.
I originally started with:
data = {
:frameSet => a(:cols => “,1,”),
:blankFrame => a(:src => “blank.html”),
:dataFrame => a(:src => “data.html”),
This doesn’t work (the blankFrame and dataFrame items are not replaced)
because amrita seems to be looking for children of :frameSet to find
:blankFrame and :dataFrame.
Now I can see how I could do it, if I embedded some of the template into
the data (e.g):
data = {
:frameSet => { a(:cols => “,1,”) { "<frame … " }
… but this seems to violate the intention of amrita (i.e. to separate
the html from the application data).
Am I missing anything here or (more likely) am I using it wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give
Martin Hart Tel: +44 (0) 1582 618468
Arnclan Fax: +44 (0) 1582 619596
Union Street, E-mail: martin@zsdfherg.com
Dunstable, Beds LU6 1EX