Accessing MatchData results in StringScanner

Is it possible using #scan or any other method of StringScanner to get
access to captured sub-expressions in the supplied regexp?

For example, something like:
  ss = "Hello __World__" )

  while ...
    if md = ss.scan( /__([^_]+)__/ )
      # I would like md to be a MatchData, not a String
      # because I want access to the first capture;
      # $1 (which I dislike on principle anyway) is not
      # updated by the call to #scan

If the answer is 'no'...might this be a good addition? Perhaps as a new
method (in case returning a MatchData was much slower than a String)?



On 6/20/05, Phrogz <> wrote:

Is it possible using #scan or any other method of StringScanner to get
access to captured sub-expressions in the supplied regexp?

For example, something like:
  ss = "Hello __World__" )

  while ...
    if md = ss.scan( /__([^_]+)__/ )
      # I would like md to be a MatchData, not a String
      # because I want access to the first capture;
      # $1 (which I dislike on principle anyway) is not
      # updated by the call to #scan

If the answer is 'no'...might this be a good addition? Perhaps as a new
method (in case returning a MatchData was much slower than a String)?

Phrogz wrote:

Is it possible using #scan or any other method of StringScanner to get
access to captured sub-expressions in the supplied regexp?

For example, something like:
  ss = "Hello __World__" )

  while ...
    if md = ss.scan( /__([^_]+)__/ )
      # I would like md to be a MatchData, not a String
      # because I want access to the first capture;
      # $1 (which I dislike on principle anyway) is not
      # updated by the call to #scan

If the answer is 'no'...might this be a good addition? Perhaps as a new
method (in case returning a MatchData was much slower than a String)?

Read the docs :slight_smile:

use #
ss[1] is like $1


Thanks muchly (to Logan as well)!


Gavin "What's RTFM mean?" Kistner