Accessing code blocks


I need to do something silly. I need to access the code block as a
variable (to pass it - without evaluating - to another function). How can
I do that?

Is it possible for me to access the “text version of block?” Can I print
out the code that has been attached to my function instead of executing

The only functions that work on code block (that I could find) are:
block_given? and yield. Obviously they do not fit the bill…

Please help.

Grzegorz Dostatni

You can do:

block = proc { |arg|
puts “Here’s the argument: #{arg}”

def f(b,arg) arg

proc can be passed around, like in:

f(block,1) # Here’s the argument: 1
f(block,2) # Here’s the argument: 1

With this, you cannot print the code given in proc. If you really need
to access the source of the code, keep the code in the string and eval
to execute it (yack).



On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 02:05 PM, Grzegorz Dostatni wrote:


I need to do something silly. I need to access the code block as a
variable (to pass it - without evaluating - to another function). How
I do that?

Is it possible for me to access the “text version of block?” Can I
out the code that has been attached to my function instead of executing

The only functions that work on code block (that I could find) are:
block_given? and yield. Obviously they do not fit the bill…

Please help.

Grzegorz Dostatni

Try this:

def foo(&bar) bar end

bar = foo { |x| x + 1 } 1 # => 2


On 2003-07-09 06:05:42 +0900, Grzegorz Dostatni wrote:

Please help.

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I need to do something silly. I need to access the code block as a
variable (to pass it - without evaluating - to another function). How can
I do that?

It’s not silly at all, but the syntax isn’t obvious if you haven’t seen it

At the end of your argument list give a named argument preceded with ‘&’.
This converts the block to an explicit Proc object which you can pass

def function1(&blk)

def function2(blk)

function1 { |i| puts i } #>> prints 99

Is it possible for me to access the “text version of block?” Can I print
out the code that has been attached to my function instead of executing

No, decompiling blocks is not possible AFAIK :slight_smile:




On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 06:05:42AM +0900, Grzegorz Dostatni wrote:

Grzegorz Dostatni wrote:

Is it possible for me to access the “text version of block?” Can I print
out the code that has been attached to my function instead of executing

As others have pointed out, this is not possible, atleast not without
jumping through hoops. If you don’t mind jumping through hoops on the
caller side and a little uglier code, here is a quick stab I did at this

class X
def first_definition( &binding )
@binding ||= binding
source =
redefine( source )
def redefine( source )
@source = source
@block = eval “ { #{source} }”, @binding
def x(i)
x =
a = 3
x.first_definition { %{|i|a+i} }
puts x.x(2) #=> 5
x.redefine %{|i|a-i}
puts x.x(2) #=> 1

Notice the syntax { %{|i|a+i} }
I wrap a string, “|i|a+i”, inside a block. The block at this level only
serves as a binding, the contents of the string is used to create the
block itself. HTH


([ Kent Dahl ]/)_ ~ [ ]/~
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You can do:

block = proc { |arg|
puts “Here’s the argument: #{arg}”
With this, you cannot print the code given in proc. If you really need
to access the source of the code, keep the code in the string and eval
to execute it (yack).

Why not parse the string once, to produce a proc object? Then wrap the
string and the proc together in another class, whose objects know both
how to list themselves, and execute themselves, without the overhead of
eval(source_string). Modifying the string should of course re-parse the

As a Ruby nuby, I can’t yet put this into source, but I look forward to
seeing how it can be done.

  • Brian

On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 06:22:34 +0900, Gennady wrote: