About the "def method=(param)",why compiled error?

very simple program:

class Song
  def initialize(duration)
    @duration = duration

  def duration=(new_duration)
    @duration = new_duration

song = Song.new(260)
print song.duration

the compiler outputs:
D:/我的文档/Ruby/attr_writer.rb:12:in `<main>': undefined method `duration'
#<Song:0xb33f10 @duration=260> (NoMethodError)。

appreciate for your help.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

You have only defined a "duration=" method on your class, and an
instance variable "@duration". Calling "song.duration" means invoking a
method "duration" on object "song", which is not defined in class Song.
You can define it this way:

class Song
  def duration

Or, in more concise way, this way:

class Song
  def initialize(duration)
    @duration = duration
  attr_accessor :duration

Executing attr_accessor helper method in a class context is the same as
the definition of two functions, "duration" and "duration=", as they're
described above. You can also use attr_reader and attr_writer method; I
hope their function is obvious.


On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 19:51:22 +0900 Zengqh Mansion <zengqh.mansion@gmail.com> wrote:

very simple program:

class Song
  def initialize(duration)
    @duration = duration

  def duration=(new_duration)
    @duration = new_duration

song = Song.new(260)
print song.duration

the compiler outputs:
D:/我的文档/Ruby/attr_writer.rb:12:in `<main>': undefined method
`duration' for
#<Song:0xb33f10 @duration=260> (NoMethodError)。

appreciate for your help.

  WBR, Peter Zotov

thanks very much.
i was reading the book "programming ruby".
it said "def attribute=(new_attribute)", can be used attribute as if
it's public variables, i think i was wrong.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Zengqh Mansion wrote in post #982758:

thanks very much.
i was reading the book "programming ruby".
it said "def attribute=(new_attribute)", can be used attribute as if
it's public variables, i think i was wrong.

Do not have the book, but I'm guessing that statement was made in a
particular context.

def attribute=(new_attribute) does allow you to use attribute as a
public variable, when you are setting new value for attribute.

If you have subsequently proceeded to code def attribute as Peter has
suggested above, that will allow you to use your attribute as a public
variable when it comes to getting value of attribute.

Nevertheless, attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer should be
betterfor getter and setter.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.