Jakob Lenfers wrote:
I'm new to Ruby and apart from wanting to learn ruby (and rails), I
chose Ruby as a language I'll have to - mh, in lack of a better word -
analyze this semester.
Welcome and have fun.
Also I would like to get some general book about ruby. It would be best
if it would include a chapter about Matz motivations and the focus of
ruby. There are sure a lot of pages in the net about that, but a citable
source would be nicer.
Something like O'Reilly's The Ruby Programming Language, co-authored by
Matz? That should be citable, and is more or less a primary source.
(BTW: What are the requirements for citability in your case?)
I don't know if it contains a chapter about Matz's motivation, but I
think that Programming Ruby touches on that (it could function, together
with the O'Reilly book), as a more in depth documentation. And there's
of course the C source itself.
And maybe Matz' keynote at Rubyconf 2007 helps you out, too?
I hope my question fits in here, I couldn't find indication
otherwise. In case it doesn't, pointer to a better location would be
Heh, I think it fits just fine.
- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan
:zorkmid: /zork'mid/ n. The canonical unit of currency in
~ hacker-written games. This originated in {zork} but has spread
~ to {nethack} and is referred to in several other games.
~ -- The AI Hackers Dictionary