You can split it:
string = 2006%2F10%2Fasdfasdf
year, day, text = string.split(/%2F/)
Should give:
The variables at the beginning are the names you give the different bits
you want out of the string, and you pass the regex or character you want
to split the string with. It's useful for filenames where you can split
on the \.
There is probably a very elegant way of doing this recusively if you
have more than 3 cariables to fish out. ( :
Hope this helps?!
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandru Popescu []
Sent: 27 October 2006 14:24
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: a regex
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I have a string in the following form: 2006%2F10%2Fasdfasdf (or more
generic: any_characters+%2Fany_characters+%2Frest_of_it). I am wondering
if I can retrieve the groups 2006, 10, asdfasdf thru a regex (I confess
I couldn't figure it out so far ).
many thanks,
.w( the_mindstorm )p.
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