<atbusbook@aol.com> wrote in message
I'm doing a report on the speed of develipment and executionin varius
programing langiuiges. write code for all these tasks in the languige
of your choise if intrestied send code to atbusbook@aol.com.Task 1:
write a program that prints how many times you repeat all words in a
file passed as a comand line
paramiter and from STDIN. with the output format being "\"%s\" word
repeated %i times\n"
Task 2:
write a comand line rpn calculator that has a syntax like forth with
only floats; also it must have these and
only these operations +, -, *, /, ., .s, rot, dup, swap, pick, roll.
. and .s are pop print and .s print stack in this
with a new line after each item and the top of the stack at the
bottom.compiler info
c#: mono
perl: perl 5.8.8
python: python 2.4.2
ruby: ruby 1.8.4
yer dreemin sorry not intrestied due yer onn homework