from time to time various benchmarks reguarding performance
of various progrmming languages came up.
but I believe the real interesting one would be that of ruby vs ruby.
Comparing, say, 1.8 vs 1.8.1 or 1.8.1 compiled with intel compiler or
with gcc -O3 or evrytinh else…
A little program that outputted, say, method invocation per second,
object creation timings and so on…
So I wonder: is there something like this for ruby?
sorry, I have that strange feeling of having asked this once ago… but
I can’t say this for sure, so pardon me if I already asked
from time to time various benchmarks reguarding performance
of various progrmming languages came up.
but I believe the real interesting one would be that of ruby vs ruby.
Comparing, say, 1.8 vs 1.8.1 or 1.8.1 compiled with intel compiler or
with gcc -O3 or evrytinh else…
A little program that outputted, say, method invocation per second,
object creation timings and so on…
So I wonder: is there something like this for ruby?
If there isn’t, you can easily create a benchmark for the data you are
interested in using module benchmark.