I was wondering what is the best way to install 1.9.1 on MS Vista. Do
I need to install ming? Also, what library concerns do I need to be
aware of? I'm a little averse to using VMware (to mimic a linux
install), but have no problem doing it if need be. Friend's laptop,
Windows, blah, blah...
Never mind; works find out of the box (the zipped download). A couple
of tests show that it isn't belabored with dependencies. Sorry for
the noise. I'll come back with more noise though if gems give me a
Thanks, you guys (ruby devs) for such a cool dev tool!
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Todd Benson <caduceass@gmail.com> wrote:
I was wondering what is the best way to install 1.9.1 on MS Vista. Do
I need to install ming? Also, what library concerns do I need to be
aware of? I'm a little averse to using VMware (to mimic a linux
install), but have no problem doing it if need be. Friend's laptop,
Windows, blah, blah...
I was wondering what is the best way to install 1.9.1 on MS Vista. Do
I need to install ming? Also, what library concerns do I need to be
aware of? I'm a little averse to using VMware (to mimic a linux
install), but have no problem doing it if need be. Friend's laptop,
Windows, blah, blah...
Although I prefer windows, I do ruby in linux + virtualbox. While it's
easy enough to get basic ruby and rails working in windows, plugin
dependencies are a nightmare. Save yourself the headache. Putty (SSH
terminal) + virtualbox|vmware + linux server distro (no gui) is the best
way. I look at this way, any serious rails app will get deployed to a
linux server anyway.
I was wondering what is the best way to install 1.9.1 on MS Vista. Do
I need to install ming? Also, what library concerns do I need to be
aware of? I'm a little averse to using VMware (to mimic a linux
install), but have no problem doing it if need be. Friend's laptop,
Windows, blah, blah...
Never mind; works find out of the box (the zipped download). A couple
of tests show that it isn't belabored with dependencies. Sorry for
the noise. I'll come back with more noise though if gems give me a
I just switched from Vista to Kubuntu. The performance difference is like night and day! And the Vista is still there, for Office and such, in a dual boot...
Which KDE do you have? I briefly tried KDE 4.1 on openSUSE 11.1 but
went back to Gnome 2.24. It's much lighter weight. By the way, I saw a
post a couple days ago where someone did a performance test of XP,
Vista and Windows 7 Beta on a 512 MB machine. Windows 7 was better
than Vista but XP was still better!
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Phlip <phlip2005@gmail.com> wrote:
I just switched from Vista to Kubuntu. The performance difference is like
night and day! And the Vista is still there, for Office and such, in a dual
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I've never met a happy clam. In fact, most of them were pretty steamed.
Which KDE do you have? I briefly tried KDE 4.1 on openSUSE 11.1 but
went back to Gnome 2.24.
4.1.3 with Kubuntu 8.10.
Alt-tab works (but I configured it to show windows and not excessively trippy hallucinations when it flicks thru them).
Shift-alt-tab does not work - this is a prime example of "cargo cult engineering", where the GUI impersonates Windows conventions without reading or understanding the "Common User Access" research that came before them...
Even without the Graphic key raising the root menu, I can keep my fingers on the keyboard longer than with Windows, and much much longer than with a Mac.
It's much lighter weight. By the way, I saw a
post a couple days ago where someone did a performance test of XP,
Vista and Windows 7 Beta on a 512 MB machine. Windows 7 was better
than Vista but XP was still better!
And Linux obviously lined them up and blew them out of the water, right?
BTW both Ruby and big batch files like Rake are mondo faster...
Alt-tab works (but I configured it to show windows and not excessively
trippy hallucinations when it flicks thru them).
Shift-alt-tab does not work - this is a prime example of "cargo cult
engineering", where the GUI impersonates Windows conventions without reading
or understanding the "Common User Access" research that came before them...
Even without the Graphic key raising the root menu, I can keep my fingers on
the keyboard longer than with Windows, and much much longer than with a Mac.
Yeah ... I dearly love Compiz on Gnome but I had to turn it off --
it's not quite stable yet.
I've never owned an Apple product, and I don't intend to start any time soon.
And Linux obviously lined them up and blew them out of the water, right?
I didn't attempt to interject Linux into *that* discusssion. ZDNet is
not a place where I want my name dragged into a flamewar. Besides, the
openSUSE community manager is a regular columnist there.
BTW both Ruby and big batch files like Rake are mondo faster...
If you're on a 32-bit machine and using the "stock" Ruby interpreter,
you can probably pick up a modest speed increase by recompiling the
Ruby interpreter using the GCC "-march=native -O3" options. And of
course you can also get a speed boost for a lot of jobs by using
jRuby. jRuby might be your best bet if you're constrained to run on
Windows for some reason. You get less of a boost from recompiling on a
64-bit machine because the binaries are already compiled knowing
they've got the whole AMD64 / x86_64 architecture to play with. The
tests I ran a week or so ago on my 64-bit machine didn't give me
enough boost from a recompile to be worth the effort.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Phlip <phlip2005@gmail.com> wrote:
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I've never met a happy clam. In fact, most of them were pretty steamed.