1.9 Missing method? Time#times

I was running the files in the 1.9.0 /samples directory and incurred a
"`<main>': undefined method `times' for Time:Class (NoMethodError)"


#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
cmd = ARGV.join(" ")
b = Time.now
e = Time.now
ut, st, cut, cst = Time.times.to_a
total = (e - b).to_f
STDERR.printf "%11.1f real %11.1f user %11.1f sys\n", total, cut, cst

I did a Time.methods, and sure enough it's there in 1.8.6 but not

Is this an oversight, or is this now deliberately deprecated behavior?
How would you do the equivalent in 1.9.0 if deprecated?

manveru@sigma ~ % irb
(irb):1: warning: obsolete method Time::times; use Process::times
# #<struct Struct::Tms utime=0.08, stime=0.02, cutime=0.0, cstime=0.0>


On Dec 26, 2007 8:44 AM, jzakiya <jzakiya@mail.com> wrote:

I was running the files in the 1.9.0 /samples directory and incurred a
"`<main>': undefined method `times' for Time:Class (NoMethodError)"


#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
cmd = ARGV.join(" ")
b = Time.now
e = Time.now
ut, st, cut, cst = Time.times.to_a
total = (e - b).to_f
STDERR.printf "%11.1f real %11.1f user %11.1f sys\n", total, cut, cst

I did a Time.methods, and sure enough it's there in 1.8.6 but not

Is this an oversight, or is this now deliberately deprecated behavior?
How would you do the equivalent in 1.9.0 if deprecated?


Replacing Process.times for Time.times in the file time.rb
for 1.9 performs the same as in 1.8.6.



On Dec 25, 7:14 pm, Michael Fellinger <m.fellin...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 26, 2007 8:44 AM, jzakiya <jzak...@mail.com> wrote:

> I was running the files in the 1.9.0 /samples directory and incurred a
> "`<main>': undefined method `times' for Time:Class (NoMethodError)"

> time.rb

> #! /usr/local/bin/ruby
> cmd = ARGV.join(" ")
> b = Time.now
> system(cmd)
> e = Time.now
> ut, st, cut, cst = Time.times.to_a
> total = (e - b).to_f
> STDERR.printf "%11.1f real %11.1f user %11.1f sys\n", total, cut, cst

> I did a Time.methods, and sure enough it's there in 1.8.6 but not
> 1.9.0.

> Is this an oversight, or is this now deliberately deprecated behavior?
> How would you do the equivalent in 1.9.0 if deprecated?

manveru@sigma ~ % irb
(irb):1: warning: obsolete method Time::times; use Process::times
# #<struct Struct::Tms utime=0.08, stime=0.02, cutime=0.0, cstime=0.0>