1.8.7 SMTP TLS How to?

I know that Ruby 1.8.7 is supposed to support SMTP TLS but damn if I
can find a lick of documentation on it. I had been using the smtp_tls
gem, but wanted to update my code.

Can anyone fill me it?


Well, after beating my head again wall for a couple of hours I answer
my own question:

      smtp = Net::SMTP.new(server, port)
      smtp.start(domain, account, secret, login) do |s|
        s.send_message(msg, from, mailto)

Why I was having a problem. This does not work:

      Net::SMTP.start(server, port, domain, account, secret, login) do


        s.send_message(msg, from, mailto)


Why I was having a problem. This does not work:

      Net::SMTP.start(server, port, domain, account, secret, login) do
        s.send_message(msg, from, mailto)

bug? impossibility?


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