User left click on "Menu Bar (tool bar)" in "Using cd command in Windows command line, can't navigate to D:\ - Super User — Mozilla Firefox" Mouse Left Click 1346,0 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0001.jpeg User mouse drag end on "Desktop (list)" in "Program Manager" Mouse Drag End 460,58 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0002.jpeg User mouse wheel down in "example" Mouse Wheel Down 808,532 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0003.jpeg User mouse drag start in "example" Mouse Drag Start 1393,392 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0004.jpeg User mouse drag end in "example" Mouse Drag End 1396,461 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0005.jpeg User mouse drag start in "example" Mouse Drag Start 1391,489 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0006.jpeg User mouse drag end in "example" Mouse Drag End 1372,533 0,0,1440,900 screenshot_0007.jpeg

Recorded Problem Steps


This file contains all the steps and information that was recorded to help you describe the problem to others.

Before sharing this file, you should verify the following:

  • The steps below accurately describe the problem.
  • There is no information below or on any screenshots that you do not want others to see.

Passwords or any other text you typed were not recorded, except for function and shortcut keys that you used.

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Problem Steps

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Problem Step 1: (01/11/2021 7:15:33 PM) User left click on "Menu Bar (tool bar)" in "Using cd command in Windows command line, can't navigate to D:\ - Super User — Mozilla Firefox"

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Problem Step 2: (01/11/2021 7:15:38 PM) User mouse drag end on "Desktop (list)" in "Program Manager"

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Problem Step 3: (01/11/2021 7:15:39 PM) User mouse wheel down in "example"

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Problem Step 4: (01/11/2021 7:15:41 PM) User mouse drag start in "example"

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Problem Step 5: (01/11/2021 7:15:42 PM) User mouse drag end in "example"

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Problem Step 6: (01/11/2021 7:15:43 PM) User mouse drag start in "example"

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Problem Step 7: (01/11/2021 7:15:45 PM) User mouse drag end in "example"


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Additional Details


The following section contains the additional details that were recorded that can help find a solution for your problem.

These details help accurately identify the programs and UI you used while recording the problem steps.

This section may contain text that is internal to programs that only very advanced users or programmers may understand.

Please review these details to ensure that they do not contain any information that you would not like others to see.


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