Yet another vim/ruby question

Ops I suddenly feel like I deleted some files I shouldn’t have Does this mean that there is a better Ruby syntax file somewhere that I should add to my system? Does anyone have a web page on hints and tips to coding ruby apps with VIM? For instance is there a way to run ruby apps from within vim? (I just figured out how to use ant from within vim hence the question).

Carl P.


From: Doug Kearns
Date: 2002/08/05 Mon PM 08:14:00 EDT
To: (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Re: yet another vim/ruby question

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 10:48:15PM +0900, Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng wrote:

I believe that my mods to the Ruby syntax file introduced folding.
Basically, all I did was add “fold” to the lines that seemed
appropriate, and when I did
set fdm=syntax
it worked. So I admit that I was “meddling in the affairs of
wizards”, but I got away with it that time! This post is to point
out that I did not look in great detail at the syntax highlighting,
and certainly not enough to correct this problem.

No, it looks like this problem has always been there, so unfortunately
we can’t blame you for introducing it :slight_smile:

It might be worth asking on the vim list how this should be fixed.
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any other langauges with
optional keywords in this sort of context, though I know I have
encountered this sort of thing before, because I never thought it
odd when I saw it in Ruby.

Yes, this sort of thing makes it a lot of fun to write a syntax file
for Ruby … sigh

Doug should answer most of your



On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 09:47:55AM +0900, Carl Parrish wrote:

Ops I suddenly feel like I deleted some files I shouldn’t have Does this mean that there is a better Ruby syntax file somewhere that I should add to my system? Does anyone have a web page on hints and tips to coding ruby apps with VIM? For instance is there a way to run ruby apps from within vim? (I just figured out how to use ant from within vim hence the question).