XML too hard (YAML opportunity?)

Richard Kilmer [mailto:rich@infoether.com] explained:

So the fact is the parser of YAML infers (through rules) the types of
the elements it parses is bad from your perspective? The issue is
SOMETHING has to know this. Its either written in some
parser function
and mapped (from XML) into your internal object structure, or read in
directly from YAML. As we did with FreeRIDE, the classes that are
serialized to YAML are, in fact, utility classes that YAML is
serializing for us. We just maintain those files (in Ruby). This is
far better than writing an emitter/parser pair for an XML
format. I get
to code in my language…and don’t worry about the data format.

Think of it this way:

[snip very good example]

Hi sir Rich,

can you post your sample to wiki?

kind regards -botp