Will Tk still be standard in 1.9?

I realize there's a lot of GUI options when using Ruby, and there's also
a lot of opinions on which ones are the best - but I'm trying to find
one that will be as "standard" and easily available as possible. I
believe Tk was part of the standard Ruby distro in 1.8.x (correct me if
I'm wrong), and I was wondering if that will be changing in 1.9. I've
done a bit of Google-ing on this and I'm having a hard time finding a
straight answer.

Thanks for any help!



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Dave Kapp wrote:

I believe Tk was part of the standard Ruby distro in 1.8.x (correct me if
I'm wrong), and I was wondering if that will be changing in 1.9. I've
done a bit of Google-ing on this and I'm having a hard time finding a
straight answer.

The code is still in the trunk:


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.