Wiki Page: RubyIn2002


I’ve just set up a Wiki page for collaboration on a Ruby submission to
Mitchell’s “The Year in Scripting Languages” here:

Since Mitchell has requested a deadline of this Thursday (January 9) I
think we need to have it pretty well wrapped-up by Wednesday afternoon.
But no pressure :wink:

Mark Wilson has provided us with an excellent starting point (a list of
topics to incorporate). As noted on the Wiki page (and from Mitchell’s
original e-mail) we should probably look at boiling all the content down
into three paragraphs for the final draft:

  • A summary of what’s happened this year;
  • Something “intriguing” that happened this year; and,
  • Plans for next year.

OK, it’s lunch time for me. I’ll check back in later. But feel free to
start editing!

– Lyle