What's important to know about Ruby?

I believe Ruby to be a “small” language – like C. There is relatively
little to know about the C language itself: for, while, if, do, …

But what gives C its power are the functions: printf, … You have to know
the functions needed to make your program do what it’s supposed to do.

Are the different classes and methods within each class the equivalent
"learning curve" for Ruby?

This might shed some light on the pedagogy for Ruby.



I believe Ruby to be a “small” language – like C. There is relatively
little to know about the C language itself: for, while, if, do, …

But what gives C its power are the functions: printf, … You have to know
the functions needed to make your program do what it’s supposed to do.

Are the different classes and methods within each class the equivalent
“learning curve” for Ruby?

Although I’m not answering your question directly, have you read the “Things
Newcomers to Ruby Should Know” list? It’s posted to the list every month or
so, so you probably have a copy; otherwise, a quick search will turn it up.

I believe your comments to be true about any programming language, anyway.



From: “ted” ted@php.net

I believe Ruby to be a “small” language – like C. There is relatively
little to know about the C language itself: for, while, if, do, …

But what gives C its power are the functions: printf, … You have to know
the functions needed to make your program do what it’s supposed to do.

Are the different classes and methods within each class the equivalent
“learning curve” for Ruby?

Yes, and even more so than C. In C, primitive types are manipulated by
operators that are part of the language. In Ruby “primitive” types are just
objects with methods, and are manipulated like any user defined object.



From: “ted” ted@php.net