WeRDS, the Weekly Ruby-Doc Summary, for 2002-11-17

This is WeRDS, the Weekly Ruby-Doc Summary, for 2002-11-17
  Brought to you this week by James Britt.

A WeRDS RSS feed is available at http://www.ruby-doc.org/rss/WeRDS.xml



    Creating documentation on the Wiki
        Gavin Sinclair suggested [0], as a way to add content to ruby-doc.org,
using Ruby Garden Wiki, and telling James to add a link. Gavin said that
creating distributable text/rd/rdoc documents is probably better, but the Wiki
can be a good first step towards this. James Britt replied that a ruby-doc.org
Wiki is in the works, and that a proto-beta-secret version (based on
miniRubyWiki [1]) is up and running.

    [1] http://www.xpsd.com/MiniRubyWiki
