Warning from ruby-pam using 1.8.0

I patched ruby-pam so that it wouldn’t give me warnings about the
allocate function, and back on 1.8.0_pre3, it was running smoothly.
But on 1.8.0_pre4 and beyond, it’s giving me this error:

warning: toplevel constant PAMError referenced by PAM::PAMError

I saw a similar issue with YAML back in July on the list:


Does anybody have an idea as to what might be going on here?

A little investigation yielded the answer. It was a matter of
changing rb_define_class to rb_define_class_under. I’ll post a patch soon.

Samuel Tesla samuel@alieniloquent.com writes:


I patched ruby-pam so that it wouldn’t give me warnings about the
allocate function, and back on 1.8.0_pre3, it was running smoothly.
But on 1.8.0_pre4 and beyond, it’s giving me this error:

warning: toplevel constant PAMError referenced by PAM::PAMError

I saw a similar issue with YAML back in July on the list:


Does anybody have an idea as to what might be going on here?