Using StandardAdditions.osax with appscript

Can anybody tell me how to execute a command (e.g., beep) implemented in /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax from a Ruby script using the appscript library? What I thought might work was

#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w

require "appscript"
include Appscript

std_adds =

but it produced the following

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/_aem/mactypes.rb:92: warning: method redefined; discarding old desc
AE::MacOSError: #<AE::MacOSError -10827>

method launch_application in connect.rb at line 76
method local_app in connect.rb at line 76
method by_path in aem.rb at line 116
method send in appscript.rb at line 47
method connect in appscript.rb at line 47
method reference_by_name in appscript.rb at line 82
method method_missing in appscript.rb at line 522
at top level in untitled document at line 8

Program exited.

Regards, Morton

a workaround for this:
1. Execute applescript in shell command
2. Execute shell command in ruby



tell application "Finder"
  delete file "Untitled.rtf"
  delete file "untitled2.rtf"
end tell

command = "osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to delete file
"untitled.rtf"' -e 'tell application "Finder" to delete file
system (command)

That will execute the string in command inthe shell.
I couldn't test it but hope it works.


Posted via

Use the osax module bundled with appscript, e.g.:

require 'osax'

StdAdditions = OSAX.osax


See the appscript documentation for more info.




On 18 Aug, 02:11, Morton Goldberg <> wrote:

Can anybody tell me how to execute a command (e.g., beep) implemented
in /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax from a
Ruby script using the appscript library?


Yeah, I could do that. But it would kind of spoil the fun. As I see it, the whole idea of the appscript library is make the sort of thing you suggest unnecessary. The appscript library works pretty good for replacing the AppleScript I tend to use. I much prefer writing

require "appscript"
include Appscript

finder = app('Finder')
finder.count(finder.desktop, :each => :file) # => 2
finder.disks[its.local_volume.eq(true)].get.size # => 3


tell app "Finder"
    set onDesk to count desktop's files
    set drives to (disks whose local volume is true)
    set drives to drives's length
    {onDesk, drives}
end tell

I just wish I knew how to access the the standard scripting additions.

Regards, Morton


On Aug 17, 2007, at 10:23 PM, Vasil Vangelovski wrote:

a workaround for this:
1. Execute applescript in shell command
2. Execute shell command in ruby



tell application "Finder"
  delete file "Untitled.rtf"
  delete file "untitled2.rtf"
end tell

command = "osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to delete file
"untitled.rtf"' -e 'tell application "Finder" to delete file
system (command)

That will execute the string in command inthe shell.
I couldn't test it but hope it works.

It does indeed help. Exactly the info I was looking for. Thanks a lot.

Regards, Morton


On Aug 18, 2007, at 6:10 AM, has wrote:

On 18 Aug, 02:11, Morton Goldberg <> wrote:

Can anybody tell me how to execute a command (e.g., beep) implemented
in /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax from a
Ruby script using the appscript library?

Use the osax module bundled with appscript, e.g.:

require 'osax'

StdAdditions = OSAX.osax


See the appscript documentation for more info.