First, I am a Ruby newbie but am an experienced developer of highly
scalable applications.
I like the Ruby community because it is very friendly and helpful;
however, I wanted to give my background because the answer to this
question (despite being a newbie to Ruby) won't be your typical 80/20
optimize when you need to, watch your database first, or bandwidth is
the limiting factor type question.
Our application servers on our current application run in highly
optimized Coldfusion (sub 100ms page response times) has about a dozen
application servers attached to it with probably about a dozen more
supporting servers. We have dual load balancers, dual Firewalls, RAIDed
dbs on multiple servers, and a 100 Mbps connection (likely to be
upgraded). We anticipate this new app to run on up to 100 application
servers eventually but this is obviously dependant on app server and
code performance.
I know to optimize when it's important but I am concerned about the
overhead of a framework I want to place on top of Ruby. The RAILS
framework, unfortunately, is too limiting for the application we are
planning (at least the VC parts of MVC) and prefer the control and
performance understanding of having built most of the framework
ourselves anyways.
Thank you in advance for listening. If I can get the right answers to
these questions, we would like to launch possibly one of the more highly
scaled our Ruby web applications. I find Ruby a highly desirable
language to use but I find very little documentation or discussion on
how things work underneath.
Is there a way (or does it do this already) for the Classes of the
application to be cached such that it doesn't add performance overhead?
Because it is such a dynamic language, my understanding is that the
classes themselves are created at run-time and DO add overhead before
any object instantiation occurs. My guess is that this would still
happen under YARV too?
In other words, can I create a scope in the web application (say a scope
that lasts the lifetime of the web server) where I can store class
definitions and/or object instances themselves and then use them to
create instances in the page request scope?
Why I want to do this is so I can define many classes without having to
worry about the overhead of having them defined at runtime for every
page request. In this way, if I don't use the classes in a page request,
they won't add any extra to the execution time.
When I write Javascript, I know that there is overhead so I have to keep
my libraries short and sweet. In ColdFusion, I have created a framework
that stores shared classes and object instances in what ColdFusion calls
an "application" scope so that classes and objects are setup only once
at application startup (my framework is a little more complex than this
but you probably get the point). Because of this, I have many libraries
and they are wide and deep. This is very helpful because I can create
many helper libraries without worrying about performance overhead.
I want to know if this is possible in Ruby.
Overall, I'm not really sure what kind of persistence and
non-persistence there is between page requests when Ruby is attached a
web server.
Any thoughts or pointers to resources would be helpful.
I've found a lot of documentation on ERB but a lot less on eRuby. All
the documentation I have found on eRuby has it executing from the
command line or through a web server plugin, usually through Apache. Can
eRuby be called from inside Ruby to do parsing? I ask this because eRuby
seems like it would execute faster seeing it is built using C.
Using ERB is straightforward but I'd love to get the performance
benefits of using eRuby if I could; however, my framework would likely
requiring making calls from inside Ruby and not ONLY .rhtml files
I'm guessing we can use ERB to generate the Ruby code and saving the
generated code to a file and then executing the generated file. This
would improve performance since the parsing step only happens once;
however, I'd still like to know if eRuby can be used this way.
Sorry for the monster large post. This is incredibly important for us
and will help us decide if we want to switch to Ruby for our new
application. We have a large amount of good code in ColdFusion but as an
agile company, I can see the benefits of Ruby down the line, especially
after a couple of years. Mostly, I love the clean syntax and the overall
design of the language.
Thanks for your input and I hope (beg) that somebody can help answer
these questions.
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