Hi all,
I’m new to Ruby and I’ve fallen in love 
But now I’m facing the development of an TUI (Text User Interface) based
application. So, I’d like to know which library you recommend to me to build
the user interface (not ncurses directly but CDK or something similar -
there’s no CDK binding for Ruby).
Thank you very much.
EuropeSwPatentFree (http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es)
(o_.’ Imobach González Sosa imobachgs@softhome.net
//\c{} imobachgs@step.es a2419@dis.ulpgc.es
V__)_ imodev@softhome.net osoh en jabber.at y jabber.org
Usuario Linux #201634
Gentoo Linux con núcleo 2.4.22 sobre Intel Pentium 4
I suppose there was a CTK binding but I can’t find it atm…
anyway you could look at
il Thu, 9 Oct 2003 09:18:20 +0900, “Imobach González Sosa” imobachgs@softhome.net ha scritto::
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Hi all,
I’m new to Ruby and I’ve fallen in love 
But now I’m facing the development of an TUI (Text User Interface) based
application. So, I’d like to know which library you recommend to me to build
the user interface (not ncurses directly but CDK or something similar -
there’s no CDK binding for Ruby).
But now I’m facing the development of an TUI (Text User Interface)
based application. So, I’d like to know which library you recommend
to me to build the user interface (not ncurses directly but CDK or
something similar - there’s no CDK binding for Ruby).
I suppose there was a CTK binding but I can’t find it atm… anyway you
could look at
Last update: 2002-05-14 09:59:48 GMT
I maintained this package in Debian for a while, but it needs a lot of
work on API, and it uses its own hacked curses implementation, and it
isn’t worked on by original author, so I orphaned it. I would advise
against using it.
Last update: 2002-01-07 11:17:04 GMT
Never used this one, but it appears to be even more outdated than JTTui,
and isn’t even listed on author’s home page.
I would say, state of TUIs for Ruby is rather poor. Anyone tried to tie
up Ruby GNOME2 with text-mode Gtk?
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 05:12:11PM +0900, gabriele renzi wrote:
Dmitry Borodaenko
First of all, thank you all for your help.
I suppose there was a CTK binding but I can’t find it atm… anyway you
could look at
Last update: 2002-05-14 09:59:48 GMT
I maintained this package in Debian for a while, but it needs a lot of
work on API, and it uses its own hacked curses implementation, and it
isn’t worked on by original author, so I orphaned it. I would advise
against using it.
Thank you for this valuable information 
Last update: 2002-01-07 11:17:04 GMT
Never used this one, but it appears to be even more outdated than JTTui,
and isn’t even listed on author’s home page.
Yes, I noticed that.
I would say, state of TUIs for Ruby is rather poor. Anyone tried to tie
up Ruby GNOME2 with text-mode Gtk?
Yes, gtk cursed is my next option. It’s cool, but sometimes it takes me to a
segmentation fault. However, I’ll keep trying.
Thank you again.
EuropeSwPatentFree (http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es)
(o_.’ Imobach González Sosa imobachgs@softhome.net
//\c{} imobachgs@step.es a2419@dis.ulpgc.es
V__)_ imodev@softhome.net osoh en jabber.at y jabber.org
Usuario Linux #201634
Gentoo Linux con núcleo 2.4.22 sobre Intel Pentium 4
El Jueves, 9 de Octubre de 2003 12:58, Dmitry Borodaenko escribió: