subject says it all.
I have a button which launches and externcal command. I want to capture the output of that command and append it to my text area. Can I do this with events?
~Shea M.
subject says it all.
I have a button which launches and externcal command. I want to capture the output of that command and append it to my text area. Can I do this with events?
~Shea M.
Message-ID: <XIW0f.104652$>
I have a button which launches and externcal command. I want to capture
the output of that command and append it to my text area. Can I do this
with events?
Maybe, TkTextIO class (a Tk sample included in Ruby-1.8.3) is useful.
For example,
From: Shea Martin <null@void.0>
Subject: tk app, reading output from command and put it in a text widget
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 05:31:49 +0900
require 'tk'
require 'open3'
# use TkTextIO class which is one of the sample scripts on Ruby source archive.
tk_sample_dir = '/usr/local/src/ruby-1.8.3/ext/tk/sample'
require File.join(tk_sample_dir, 'tktextio.rb')
f =
tio =, :show=>:pos){
yscrollbar(>:right, :fill=>:y))
pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
org_stdout = $stdout
$stdout = tio
$stderr = tio
# execute an external command
# ( In this way, cannot determine the output order between stdout and stderr. )
def ex_cmd(cmd)
p_in, p_out, p_err = *Open3.popen3(cmd)
p_in,{ p_out.each{|line| print(line) } },{ p_err.each{|line| print(line) } }
f =>:x, :padx=>40)
cmd = '/bin/cat - nofile' # external command, :text=>'exec external command'){|b|
command {
b.state(:disabled) # disable the button while ex_cmd is running{ # create a thread to avoid hang-up of the eventloop
p_in, out_th, err_th = ex_cmd(cmd)
p_in.print("foo foo foo\n")
p_in.print("bar bar bar\n")
p_in.print("baz baz baz\n")
p_in.print("hoge hoge hogw\n")
p_in.print("fuga fuga fuga\n")
b.state(:normal) # enable the button
# TkTextIO is a subclass of TkText, :text=>'print log to console',
Hidetoshi NAGAI (
Shea Martin wrote:
subject says it all.
I have a button which launches and externcal command. I want to capture the output of that command and append it to my text area. Can I do this with events?
~Shea M.
I tried fork, but isn't supported in win32....
Hidetoshi NAGAI wrote:
Hmmm... Maybe, TkTextIO class (a Tk sample included in Ruby-1.8.3) is useful.
Ruby 1.8.2 Win32 does not seem thave TkTextIO. A find in my Ruby tree did not turn up the work TkTextIO in any file in my ruby install.
Does 1.8.3 have TkTextIo for win32?
~Shea M.
Message-ID: <A%91f.104986$>
Ruby 1.8.2 Win32 does not seem thave TkTextIO. A find in my Ruby tree
did not turn up the work TkTextIO in any file in my ruby install.
"tktextio.rb" is a pure Ruby/Tk script.
It means that TkTextIO doesn't need any DLL,
and works if Ruby/Tk works.
The file is one of the sample scripts.
So, even if you install Ruby-1.8.3 by "make install",
it will not be installed.
Please get the file from the Ruby-1.8.3 source archive or CVS.
Probably, it will work on Ruby-1.8.2.
From: Shea Martin <null@void.0>
Subject: Re: tk app, reading output from command and put it in a text widget
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 22:56:49 +0900
Hidetoshi NAGAI (