
Time.parse is documented in ri, but doesn't seem to be defined. Do I need to require something from the stdlib?

I'm looking for an easy way to convert things like "4:30" to relative values--seconds since "00:00:00". I can just parse manually, of course, but was hoping for a standard way to do it, like

Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Time.parse is documented in ri, but doesn't seem to be defined. Do I
need to require something from the stdlib?

I'm looking for an easy way to convert things like "4:30" to relative
values--seconds since "00:00:00". I can just parse manually, of course,
but was hoping for a standard way to do it, like

Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

Seems that it's an extension of the Time class by time.rb:

require 'time'
p Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

#=> 16200.0


I've had trouble with something like this before... would it be conceivable that RDoc could be made to add a note to each piece of ri documentation saying what file it is defined in? I think this could be especially useful when looking up methods that are added to the Kernel or Object, or tacked in the Math module.



On Jun 16, 2004, at 4:28 PM, daz wrote:

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Time.parse is documented in ri, but doesn't seem to be defined. Do I
need to require something from the stdlib?

I'm looking for an easy way to convert things like "4:30" to relative
values--seconds since "00:00:00". I can just parse manually, of course,
but was hoping for a standard way to do it, like

Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

Seems that it's an extension of the Time class by time.rb:

require 'time'
p Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

#=> 16200.0

daz wrote:

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Time.parse is documented in ri, but doesn't seem to be defined. Do I
need to require something from the stdlib?

I'm looking for an easy way to convert things like "4:30" to relative
values--seconds since "00:00:00". I can just parse manually, of course,
but was hoping for a standard way to do it, like

Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

Seems that it's an extension of the Time class by time.rb:

require 'time'
p Time.parse("4:30") - Time.parse("0:00")

#=> 16200.0

Nice and easy. Thanks!

Next question:

irb(main):008:0> Time.parse("sljhfslf")
=> Wed Jun 16 17:31:44 PDT 2004

That's the same as Time.now. But ri Time.parse says:

      ArgumentError is raised if ParseDate cannot extract information
      from +date+ or Time class cannot represent specified date.

Is there any other way to validate a time?