Testing Threads with connections

Hello there,

I've been trying to make a stress test generator in ruby for a New IO
echo server initially.

Mainly, the idea is try to generate as many connections as possible to
the echo server, and from time to time, send a string to the server and
receive it back.

I don't really have much experience in threads programming, and that's
the main reason to try it out.

For this script, I thought to open <N> threads, and in each thread, do a
loop and open <X> connections for each thread. I tried to use 100
threads and in each thread, open 100 connections. It runs fine, no
errors reported to me at all, but the echo server shows only ~1200

I've set up the OS settings with ulimit already (open files).

What do you guys think ? Any suggestions?

Here it goes:

-- code

require 'socket'

if ARGV.length < 3
   puts "Use: $0 <Nr Threads> <Nr Conex> <timeout>"
   exit 1


for num in (1 .. thrds)
    threads << Thread.new(num) { |loT|
      printf "Thread (%.0f) opening %.0f connections\n", loT.to_s,
      sock = []
      conec.times do |i|
         if DEBUG==1
            printf "%.0f) Opening socket %.0f... ",loT.to_s,i
         sock[i] = TCPsocket::open(host,port)
         if DEBUG==1
            print "done\n"

      while (1)
         conec.times do |j|
            if DEBUG==1
               printf "%.0f) Sending string on socket

            sock[j].send teststring, 128

            if DEBUG==1
               printf "done.\n%.0f) Waiting answer on socket


            if DEBUG==1
              if teststring == tmp
                  print "matched!\n"
                  print "error!\n"

            if DEBUG==2
               printf "%.0f) Sleeping %.0fs\n",loT.to_s,tmout.to_s

threads.each { |aThread| aThread.join }

-- /code


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Insert this at the top of your script to see whether there are exceptions during connection creation:

Thread.abort_on_exception = true

Alternatively, wrap each thread's main processing body in a begin rescue end to print out exceptions. (Thinking about it I'd prefer the second approach anyway as it makes up for more robust software.) HTH

Kind regards



On 01.09.2006 02:16, Denis Vieira wrote:

Hello there,

I've been trying to make a stress test generator in ruby for a New IO echo server initially.

Mainly, the idea is try to generate as many connections as possible to the echo server, and from time to time, send a string to the server and receive it back.

I don't really have much experience in threads programming, and that's the main reason to try it out.

For this script, I thought to open <N> threads, and in each thread, do a loop and open <X> connections for each thread. I tried to use 100 threads and in each thread, open 100 connections. It runs fine, no errors reported to me at all, but the echo server shows only ~1200 connections.

I've set up the OS settings with ulimit already (open files).

What do you guys think ? Any suggestions?