Hi There,
"Test driven development in Rails using fixtures and rake".
Can anyone give me suggestion that how I can test the Ruby and Rails
application through Fixtures and Rake?
I am desperately waiting for your meaningful response.
Thanks in Advance,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
OK, we seem to have a surfeit of these sorts of post
I'm not sure
whether the best thing to do is to ignore, or to answer. But I'll answer
this one.
Firstly, this is not the Rails mailing list. This is the Ruby language
mailing list. Asking about Rails on a Ruby list is rather like asking about
Unix system administration on a C programming list.
Secondly, a mailing list is generally not a place to ask "please tell me
about X". The hidden subtext of your question is: "because I couldn't be
bothered to google or to read the documentation, and actually I don't have
much of a clue about what I'm trying to *do*, because if I did, I would be
describing what I tried and what problems I came across when I tried"
This is a very friendly and accommodating mailing list, but I'm afraid your
post isn't likely to get a positive response. You can get advice on how to
get good responses from mailing lists at
However, I will give you a positive response now: there is excellent
documentation on test fixtures and unit testing in Rails in the book "Agile
Web Development with Rails". You can buy this as an instant-download PDF
from http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/ for just $23.50. It's full of
examples and it will almost certainly give you all the hand-holding you need
with all aspects of Rails. If not, then you can ask specific questions on
the Rails google group about what particular thing you don't understand, and
I'm sure someone will help you.
On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 07:54:35PM +0900, Mayank Srivastava wrote:
"Test driven development in Rails using fixtures and rake".
Can anyone give me suggestion that how I can test the Ruby and Rails
application through Fixtures and Rake?
I am desperately waiting for your meaningful response.
Thanks in Advance,