In article <>,
> >Okay, so object.class will supposedly tell you what class an object
> >is... but you can override that method and nobody really cares. So
> >Ruby doesn't guarantee anything about type safety.
> Define "type safety" here. I consider it as that every type error can
> be found (at run time), and no fatal error (e.g. segmentation fault)
> can be caused by type mismatch.
> What is yours? Ability to tell an object's class? Inability to
> change the class of an object at run time?Thinking about it, I think my problem is that I didn't have a proper
concept of what a type is in Ruby. However, if I revert back to duck
typing as a concept, I finally get a definition:In Ruby, an object is of type Duck if:
(1) The object walks like a duck.
(2) The object quacks like a duck.Since Ruby always makes sure an object is of type Duck if it needs a
duck, Ruby is type safe.Duck typing is a loose concept however as shown in the previous
discussions (an object can be an arbitrary number of types and/or
types overlap), and I am not sure if you can call such a thing strong
typing although Ruby is type safe within the definition of duck
Hi Navin.,
I think you're making the mistake of equating objects and object
references. Objects have a specific type, and the type of an object
doesn't change. Variables, on the other hand, are just object
references. The object they refer to changes with assignment. If you
fire up irb, you can check the type of a given object by sending it the
"type" message. For example:
irb(main):001:0> (2**30 - 1).type
=> Fixnum
irb(main):002:0> (2**30).type
=> Bignum
If I assign the part of the first expression in parentheses to a
variable x, then x now refers to a variable of type Fixnum:
irb(main):003:0> x = (2**30 - 1)
=> 1073741823
irb(main):004:0> x.type
=> Fixnum
If I add 1 and store the result in x, the variable x now references an
object of type Bignum:
irb(main):005:0> x = x + 1
=> 1073741824
irb(main):006:0> x.type
=> Bignum
The type of object "1073741823" hasn't changed:
irb(main):007:0> 1073741823.type
=> Fixnum
but x no longer references that object. It's important to note that an
expression can yield a type which is different than the types of the
operands within that expression, e.g., <Fixnum> + <Fixnum> can yield a
<Fixnum> or <Bignum>. If the result is assigned to a variable, the
variable seems to change type if you equate a reference with the thing
being referenced.
In Java, you have objects and primitives, which are distinct types of
things that can't be intermixed. Java requires you to declare the type
associated with a variable to avoid the kind of insanity which would
occur if you started trying to send messages to primitives. That
results in ugliness such as Arrays.sort(), which has to have many
overloaded implementations - one for Objects, and one each for each type
of primitive. Contrast with Ruby, where any array can be sorted as long
as the elements respond to <=> or you provide a block to be used for
Getting back to the subject line - In Java, the distinction between
primitives and objects requires that variables be declared with a type.
I think it takes Java programmers a while to realize that in Ruby
variables are always object references, so the "everything is an object"
philosophy means that type declarations are unnecessary.
Navindra Umanee <> wrote:
Yukihiro Matsumoto <> wrote: