Templating Pakage

Does anyone know of a package on the RAA which is similar to HTML::Mason in
the CPAN?


I’m not sure about “similar to HTML::Mason”, but you could check out Amrita.


I currently use it for the majority of my website projects; it can be used to
create both static or dynamic pages, and really harnesses a lot of what makes
Ruby so great, IMHO :slight_smile:

Hope that helps,
~ Bruce


On Thursday 12 December 2002 03:25 am, Jason Underdown wrote:

Does anyone know of a package on the RAA which is similar to HTML::Mason in
the CPAN?


Bruce R. Williams :: [iusris/#ruby-lang] :: http://www.codedbliss.com

‘It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.’
– Samuel Adams