Talk Notes - The State of Bool in Ruby - Everything Your Never Wanted to Know


  For the Vienna.rb April meetup I've put together talk notes on:
  The State of Bool in Ruby - Everything Your Never Wanted to Know [1].

  The contents reads:

  - Trivia Quiz - The States of Bool
  - Bool Basics
    - Classes, Classes, Classes
    - Truthy and Falsy - (Almost) Everything is True
    - The state of built-in bool conversions - `to_s`, `to_i`,
`to_b`, `to_bool`
  - safebool Library / Gem
    - Prior Art
      - Some Older Bool / Boolean Libraries
      - `ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean < Value`
    - Bool Conversion
      - Empty String
      - Number Two
      - Choose Your Error Handling on Invalid Bool Values / States
  - Bool Share Nothing - True or False?
    - Bool in the Real World? What for?
  - Bool in Other Programming Languages
    - Classic Programming Languages - From Integer to...
    - Modern (Functional) Programming Languages - ... Algebraic Data (Sum) Types

  Happy coding in ruby with or without Bool. Cheers. Prost.
