
Guys I have tried SVG::Graph... my goodness, this is so great.
However I found a couple of strange things in the documentation.

1) The links to the sample are broken (for example: www.germane-

2) If I try the example:

  require 'SVG/Graph/Pie'

  fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)
  data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]

  graph ={
          :height => 500,
    :width => 300,
    :fields => fields,

          :data => data_sales_02,
    :title => 'Sales 2002',

  print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"
  print graph.burn();

in this way: graph.rb > graph.svg
Then I get an error while loading the image at the first line. It
doesn't like the -print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"-.
Eliminating that line it works like a charm.

Could you please explain me why do I have to eliminate that line to
make it work?



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Looks like the header from a HTTP transfer.. obviously this script was
intended to generate content for CGI. If you just want to create a
plain SVG file then you'll need to remove the http header.


On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 19:00:57 +0900, TKMark <> wrote:

Guys I have tried SVG::Graph... my goodness, this is so great.
However I found a couple of strange things in the documentation.

1) The links to the sample are broken (for example: www.germane-

2) If I try the example:

  require 'SVG/Graph/Pie'

  fields = %w(Jan Feb Mar)
  data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21]

  graph ={
          :height => 500,
    :width => 300,
    :fields => fields,

          :data => data_sales_02,
    :title => 'Sales 2002',

  print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"
  print graph.burn();

in this way: graph.rb > graph.svg
Then I get an error while loading the image at the first line. It
doesn't like the -print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"-.
Eliminating that line it works like a charm.

Could you please explain me why do I have to eliminate that line to
make it work?


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