"Succinctness is Power", by Paul Graham

Robert Dober wrote:


On 9/30/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb@cesmail.net> wrote:

MonkeeSage wrote:
> Giles Bowkett wrote:
>> These puns are real howlers, but topics like this are the reason I
>> haunt this list.
> Polar bear walked into a bar and said, "give me a...glass of iced
> water".
> Bar tender said, "Sure, but why the big pause?"
> Polar bear said, "Oh, I was born with them"
> Wocka wocka wocka!
> Regards,
> Jordan

Yeah, they've bruined me for any other mailing list.

My good old friend Websters (m-w.com a must for all non native speakers,
maybe even for the natives :wink:
does not seem to know about the verb "to bruin", could you enlighten a
stupid please?


A bruin is another name for bear. Surely you've had something ruin your
whole day. I would imagine that if you were eaten by a bear, your whole
day would be bruined.

Hi --

dblack@wobblini.net writes:

01010111 01100101 01101100 01101100 00101100 00100000
01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101
00100000 01110111 01100101 01101001 01110010

00100000 01110111 01100101 01101001 01110010 01100100

Yes, just for the record, somehow I lost that last 'd' and also a

- .... .- - .----. ...
.--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.--
.-. .. --. .... - --..--
-.-- . .- .... .-.-.-

I'll have to work on that one.... :slight_smile:



On Sat, 30 Sep 2006, Christian Neukirchen wrote:

                   David A. Black | dblack@wobblini.net
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] Ruby for Rails | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org

Ahhh that explains why my friend Webster was talking about a bear all the
time I fed him "bruin".
Thx for the explanation and yes, of course, your conclusion seems
I will accept it *without* scientific proof.


On 10/1/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb@cesmail.net> wrote:

Robert Dober wrote:
> On 9/30/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb@cesmail.net> wrote:

>> Yeah, they've bruined me for any other mailing list.
> My good old friend Websters (m-w.com a must for all non native speakers,
> and
> maybe even for the natives :wink:
> does not seem to know about the verb "to bruin", could you enlighten a
> stupid please?
> Cheers
> Robert
A bruin is another name for bear. Surely you've had something ruin your
whole day. I would imagine that if you were eaten by a bear, your whole
day would be bruined.

dblack@wobblini.net wrote:

- .... .- - .----. ...
.--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.--
.-. .. --. .... - --..--
-.-- . .- .... .-.-.-

I'll have to work on that one.... :slight_smile:

Uh.... http://twifkak.com/re-ruby-talk-217358.png



Ahhh that explains why my friend Webster was talking about a bear all the
time I fed him "bruin".

Also, "bruin" is Dutch for "brown".


On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 04:56:41PM +0900, Robert Dober wrote:

Jos Backus
jos at catnook.com

And I thought I didn't have a life.


On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 23:03:45 +0900 Devin Mullins <twifkak@comcast.net> wrote:

dblack@wobblini.net wrote:
>> - .... .- - .----. ...
>> .--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.--
>> .-. .. --. .... - --..--
>> -.-- . .- .... .-.-.-
> I'll have to work on that one.... :slight_smile:
Uh.... http://twifkak.com/re-ruby-talk-217358.png

Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu

http://www.lingr.com/room/3yXhqKbfPy8 -- Come get help.