"Succinctness is Power", by Paul Graham

> > Others would though, and those people are bonkers.
> I've heard rumors of a Fortran compiler written in troff macros. Now
> *that* is bonkers...

I once created an operating system entirely out of the moans of geese.


Jeffrey Schwab wrote:

while Ruby is an enjoyable language with a hell of a lot of potential,
appreciating it does not require us to denegrate either Perl or C++.


Yes, it does. Its actually in the license. And Sun is mentioned also,
but that particular clause is up for review as of late, what with their
hiring the JRuby team and all. But what has C++ done for us lately,
huh? :wink:



Great, when I looked at it I almost thaught, well why the heck would someone
use anything else than sed.

Thx for the link.


On 10/2/06, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:

Colorized sedhttpd.sed

The observation that C++ is a destructor is inaccurate. C++ is THE
destructor. (As in, "Are you the gatekeeper?")

I think they used YAML for the DB config in Rails because it was easy
to do and libraries already existed. I'm not surprised to hear that
they might make it all Ruby, although I don't actually remember
hearing that.

I think the statements sourcing Paul Graham in the Scheme school of
Lisp fanatics is probably inaccurate. He wrote a book on Common Lisp,
and most of the examples in his other Lisp book are in Common Lisp as
well, with only a few in Scheme.


Giles Bowkett

Some years ago at OOPSLA, I was hanging out in the hotel lobby, when I
saw my old buddy Kent Beck talking with a group of folks, some I or
whom knew and others I didn't.

I walked up to say hi, just as someone in the group said that he'd
heard a great joke:

Q: "Why doesn't C++ have garbage collection?"
A; "Because there would be nothing left."

To which Kent said. "Rick invented that joke!, at OOPSLA last year."
Which, indeed I had.

It was amazing to me that the joke took exactly one year to come full circle.


On 10/1/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb@cesmail.net> wrote:

David Vallner wrote:
> M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
>> The people who designed C++ and Perl 6 are the ones who are bonkers, not
>> those who would parse them with C. :slight_smile:
> Hey, but if you ever need a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual
> private destructor, you'll be thankful to the former ones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
> David Vallner
C++ *is* a destructor.

Rick DeNatale

"Robert Dober" <robert.dober@gmail.com> writes:

Colorized sedhttpd.sed

Great, when I looked at it I almost thaught, well why the heck would someone
use anything else than sed.

I prefer Postscript.



On 10/2/06, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:

Thx for the link.

Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen@gmail.com> http://chneukirchen.org

It's just a CGI, of course, rather than an actual httpd replacement, but quite elegant nonetheless.

I'd never seen sed.sourceforge.net. It's kind of surreal. My first response was, this is what Larry Wall (mercifully) saved us from.



On Oct 2, 2006, at 12:00 PM, Robert Dober wrote:

On 10/2/06, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:

Colorized sedhttpd.sed

Great, when I looked at it I almost thaught, well why the heck would someone
use anything else than sed.

Christian Neukirchen wrote:

"Robert Dober" <robert.dober@gmail.com> writes:

Colorized sedhttpd.sed

Great, when I looked at it I almost thaught, well why the heck would someone
use anything else than sed.

I prefer Postscript.


Thx for the link.

Ah, but isn't PostScript a dialect of Forth?


On 10/2/06, Wilson Bilkovich <wilsonb@gmail.com> wrote:

Nah, but like all concatenative languages--Joy, for instance--it derives
some amount of inspiration from it.


On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 10:55:44AM +0900, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

Ah, but isn't PostScript a dialect of Forth?

Keith Gaughan -- kmgaughan@eircom.net -- http://talideon.com/
They deny showing members of the FARC organisation how to make bombs using
fake passports.
    -- BBC News reveals the secrets of bomb-making