Stupid question

Aaron D. Gifford wrote in post #1034519:

irb(main):001:0> s="2011";s.sum%(48*s.size)
=> 4

And to verify worst-case a string of 1149 nine digits:

irb(main):002:0> s="9"*1149;s.sum%(48*s.size)
=> 10341

For longer strings, pass an argument to String#sum bigger than the
default 16.

Very good, Aaron. Now, is there any way to replace that "s.size" with
something to make it really a one-liner (without the semicolon):
    "some number".sum%(48 times something)




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Admin Tensor wrote in post #1034521:

irb(main):002:0> s="9"*1149;s.sum%(48*s.size)
=> 10341

For longer strings, pass an argument to String#sum bigger than the
default 16.

Very good, Aaron. Now, is there any way to replace that "s.size" with
something to make it really a one-liner (without the semicolon):
    "some number".sum%(48 times something)

lambda {|x| x.sum%(48*x.size)}["9"*1149]

Or something nasty with "->" if under ruby 1.9. But once you go to that
extreme, you might as well stick with the more obvious and complete:



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