String issue


I am trying to display the time spent in performing an activity in HTML

The code below does that. If the time is 0 it shouldn't show anything
else it should show the "time" followed by "hours" word.

    #{start_time[:hrs] == 0 ? "" : start_time[:hrs] + hours}

The way I am trying to do is giving problems.

"TypeError Exception: String can't be coerced into Fixnum"
This is because of the "+ hours" in the code.

Any solution to get this done?


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Prashant Katare schrieb:


I am trying to display the time spent in performing an activity in HTML

The code below does that. If the time is 0 it shouldn't show anything
else it should show the "time" followed by "hours" word.

    #{start_time[:hrs] == 0 ? "" : start_time[:hrs] + hours}

The way I am trying to do is giving problems.

"TypeError Exception: String can't be coerced into Fixnum"
This is because of the "+ hours" in the code.

Any solution to get this done?

start_time[:hrs].to_s + hours

Thanks for your solution


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