Status info like rc.status


is there already a library I'm not aware of which allows for easy
console message formatting similar to the usage of rc.status with the
init.d scripts? Is there an established "best practices" way for
displaying the status of several steps to console, or should I write a
wrapper module regarding status messages myself?

Thanks for your thoughts.


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I have no idea what rc.status outputs (my Linux doesn't have it) but
chances are that you can pretty easily format your desired output via
printf or sprintf. What exactly do you need?

Kind regards



2008/12/9 Sven S. <>:

is there already a library I'm not aware of which allows for easy
console message formatting similar to the usage of rc.status with the
init.d scripts? Is there an established "best practices" way for
displaying the status of several steps to console, or should I write a
wrapper module regarding status messages myself?

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

I have no idea what rc.status outputs (my Linux doesn't have it) but
chances are that you can pretty easily format your desired output via
printf or sprintf. What exactly do you need?

Kind regards


I'm sorry for my rather unhelpful description. The functionality I'm
looking for should support me in outputting status info of certain steps
in a script ("done", "failed") as well as loading bars, etc. to console.

I asked the question because I considered these to be often required and
therefore have been neatly packed up in some kind of library for better
usage. I could also write those all by myself using the mentioned
printf/sprintf functions, of course.



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