Spoke too soon

I am still somewhat confused as everything I am trying with select appears
to be wrong.

I am trying to test that the server socket is ready for an accept, the
server socket has been set to NON_BLOCKING so if I just attempt to
serv.accept I get the following error:

`accept’: Resource temporarily unavailable (Errno::EWOULDBLOCK)

I understand why I get the error and I know that I need to use select to
test that the server socketc is in fact ready for an accept, I just can’t
seem to get from point A to point B . I also understand that the easy way
to avoid all of this is to use a multi-threaded approach, but I would
rather avoid that.

So assuming I have a server socket assigned to @server and set to
O_NONBLOCK, how might I use select to test that the socket is ready to
accept a connection?



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In message “spoke too soon” on 02/10/04, Andrew Cowan icculus@gmdstudios.com writes:

So assuming I have a server socket assigned to @server and set to
O_NONBLOCK, how might I use select to test that the socket is ready to
accept a connection?
