Spectix and Ruby conflict query - newbie

I’m just learning Ruby, on Windows 2000 platform, and I’ve run into a
problem using Spectix and TK.

I used the one-click installer for 1.6.7 a while back and things have worked

Following Mark Slagell’s “Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days” chapter on TK, I
wrote a few basic scripts that displayed fine: I could get a window that
said “Hello World!”

Then, deciding that a GUI-interface to building GUIs made sense, I installed
Spectix, since it said I could generate Ruby code by building the dialog
boxes, etc., graphically. (This is a variation on SpecTcl that Sun built.)

However, I couldn’t get it to run. Maybe Spectix didn’t install Tix, so I
installed that. At last, things worked. I built a few simple things, figured
out how what needed to be done, and got a serviceable script that should
have worked but it didn’t. Exploring, I discovered that the few simple
scripts I built manually no longer ran either.

As it happened, the next thing I did was to use the new one-click Windows
installer to install 1.6.8. The scripts ran again. The “Hello World 2” I
built in Spectix displayed – I could make the GUIs in a GUI; I was happy.
For about two minutes.

Now Spectix won’t run again. The error message on launch notes “this
probably means that Tix was not installed properly” although, of course, it
was fine an hour ago.

I’m in over my head. It maybe has something to do with two versions of TK on
my computer, one put there by Ruby and one by Spectix. Or maybe not. As I
said, I’m in over my head.

Any advice on how I can get Spectix to work without disabling rbw files?

Thanks for your help,

Roger Sperberg