SM::ToHtml does not convert urls to hyperlinks

I am trying to use my own output formatter with SimpleMarkup. Things seems to work, except for hyperlinks not working as expected. I tried to use SM::ToHtml to simplify things, and even if does not deal with hyperlinks. Here is the code snippet I am using.

require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html'
s = "This is *bold*. These are urls -<> , , foo[]"
p =
puts p.convert(s,

The output of this is as shown below. The word "bold" was surrounded by the <b> tag, but the urls were not surrounded with <a href> tags.

This is <b>bold</b>. These are urls -<> , , foo[]

Is there a way to make this happen?


I am trying to use my own output formatter with SimpleMarkup. Things seems to work, except for hyperlinks not working as expected. I tried to use SM::ToHtml to simplify things, and even if does not deal with hyperlinks. Here is the code snippet I am using.


You should use RDoc::Markup from RDoc 2. RDoc 1's SM is no longer maintained.

As described in ri RDoc (for RDoc 2), valid URL formats are:

     * Hyperlinks to the web starting http:, mailto:, ftp:, or www.
         are recognized. An HTTP url that references an external image
         file is converted into an inline <IMG..>. Hyperlinks starting
         'link:' are assumed to refer to local files whose path is
         relative to the --op directory.

     Hyperlinks can also be of the form label[url], in which case the
     label is used in the displayed text, and url is used as the
     target. If label contains multiple words, put it in braces: {multi
     word label}[url].

     Example hyperlinks:

       {RDoc Documentation}[]
       {RDoc Markup}[link:RDoc/Markup.html]

So, adjusting your input to fit:

$ echo 'This is *bold*. These are urls -, foo[]' | rdoc --pipe
This is <b>bold</b>. These are urls - <a
href=""></a>, <a


On May 18, 2009, at 23:30, Shri Borde wrote: