Segmentation Fault - Ruby Garbage Collection



In message “A Ruby-C Interface Model” on 02/08/06, William Djaja Tjokroaminata writes:

Because I am dealing with entities which are created and destroyed so
often (such as 224,000 events/second), and I think the bottleneck is the
Ruby object creation, checking, and garbage collection, I am thinking of
the following Ruby-C interface model.

I see no danger in your model. It seems excellent.



Thanks for the pointer. I have checked the Flyweight pattern, but
probably it is not what I need as in my case each entity has totally
different data.

I have done further tests. Using straight Ruby, my code efficiency is
32,000 events/second. Transforming the core into C increases it to
160,000 events/second. Using manually written doubly-linked list instead
of Ruby array increases it further to 198,000 events/second.

I have read in the pick-axe book that Ruby (or any scripting language in
general) is not suitable for heavy processing code. However, I have also
experienced all the trouble writing code in C (with its segmentation
faults and memory leaks). So I am trying to get the best of both worlds,
by making a system that is flexible. In other words, for people who want
to develop quickly, they can write it in Ruby; for people who are more
adventurous, they can write it in C. And of course, the highest level
script input can work with either.

Only when I try to convert the core into C, I realize how much constraint
Ruby puts on my flexibility in writing C. I guess this is the penalty
that has to be paid for the compatibility in the script input. It seems
Matz suggested creating “lazy evaluating” Ruby objects, but to me it
appears that Ruby object creation still takes too much execution
overhead. Probably there is indeed no solution to this problem.




Curt Sampson wrote:

You might consider reusing objects, rather than creating and destroying
them every time. There are also design patterns, such as Flyweight, that
you might be able to apply to help with this.
