safebool gem / library - safe bool(ean) type adds Bool(), to_b, to_bool, bool?, false?, true?, true.is_a?(Bool)==true, false.is_a?(Bool)==true, and more


   I've bundled up all the bool(ean) "hacks" in the safebool gem / library [1]
The new safe bool(ean) type adds Bool(), to_b, to_bool, bool?, false?, true?,
true.is_a?(Bool)==true, false.is_a?(Bool)==true, and more.

  From the readme:

Why Bool in Ruby?

false.class           #=> FalseClass
true.class            #=> TrueClass
false.is_a?(Bool)     #=> NameError: uninitialized constant Bool
true.is_a?(Bool)      #=> NameError: uninitialized constant Bool
true.class.ancestors  #=> [TrueClass, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
false.class.ancestors #=> [TrueClass, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

# -or-

"true".to_b           #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `to_b' for String
1.to_b                #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `to_b' for Integer
Bool("true")          #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `Bool' for Kernel
Bool(1)               #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `Bool' for Kernel

Why? Why not? Discuss.

require 'safebool'

false.is_a?(Bool)     #=> true
true.is_a?(Bool)      #=> true
true.class.ancestors  #=> [TrueClass, Bool, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
false.class.ancestors #=> [TrueClass, Bool, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

# -or-

"true".to_b           #=> true
1.to_b                #=> true
Bool("true")          #=> true
Bool(1)               #=> true

"false".to_b          #=> false
0.to_b                #=> false
Bool("false")         #=> false
Bool(0)               #=> false


  Happy coding with ruby. Cheers. Prost.

PS: Note: The safebool library / gem is part of the safe data
structure (safestruct) series [2].
