Ruby tutorial

Where can I get ruby tutorials that explains OO concepts (I’ve read
the axe and am still reading the rubyway, but still cannot find

Maybe this will help:

Hi John,

that was a cool and simple tutorial (as if you read my mind :-), and the
page is simply fantastic and clean. Did you write the page by hand or did
you use some web package? It even renders beautifully on opera and mozilla.

note: thanks also to james for the comprehensive list of books, and the rest
of the gang.


kind regards -botp


John Johnson [] wrote:

I did it in AuthorIT. You can create MS help files, web pages, word
documents for printing, etc. all from the same input file. I haven’t used it
in a while, but it was a nice program.


on 6/30/03 8:33 PM, Peña, Botp at wrote:

John Johnson [] wrote:

Where can I get ruby tutorials that explains OO concepts (I’ve read
the axe and am still reading the rubyway, but still cannot find

Maybe this will help:

Hi John,

that was a cool and simple tutorial (as if you read my mind :-), and the
page is simply fantastic and clean. Did you write the page by hand or did
you use some web package? It even renders beautifully on opera and mozilla.

note: thanks also to james for the comprehensive list of books, and the rest
of the gang.


kind regards -botp


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