[ruby-talk:444185] Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.7.4 Released

Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.7.4 has been released!

Blog Announcement:

GitHub: GitHub - AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui: Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - No need to pre-install any prerequisites. Just install the gem and have platform-independent GUI that just works)

RubyGem: glimmer-dsl-libui | RubyGems.org | your community gem host

Change Log:

## 0.7.4

- `table` `sortable` property (default: `true`) to enable automatic table
sorting support when `cell_rows` is an `Array` (does not sort if
`cell_rows` is a lazy enumerable)
- Fix issue with not auto-checking checkboxes for zero-or-many table
selection in `examples/basic_table_selection2.rb`
- Rename `examples/basic_table_selection.rb` to
`examples/basic_table_selection3.rb` and add new
`examples/basic_table_selection.rb` with automated `table` selection via
`sortable` property (default: `true`)
- Disable automatic sorting by default in `refined_table` (set its `table`
`sortable` property to `false`) since it does not sort over the entire
collection, yet the visible collection only
- Disable `sortable` sorting for `table` `button_column` since it does not
make sense for it

## 0.7.3

- `table` `selection` data-binding support
- `table` column `sort_indicator` data-binding support
- New `examples/basic_table_selection2.rb` that uses `selection`,
`selection_mode`, `header_visible`, and `sort_indicator` data-binding

## 0.7.2

- `table` `on_selection_changed` listener arguments now provide extra
arguments of `selection`, `added_selection`, `removed_selection` after
first argument (`table`)
- Update `examples/basic_table_selection.rb` to use new
`on_selection_changed` arguments of `selection`, `added_selection`, and

## 0.7.1

- `table` column `on_clicked` listener (can be nested under `text_column`,
`text_color_column`, `button_column`, `checkbox_column`,
`checkbox_text_color_column`, `image_column`, `image_text_color_column`,
`image_text_column`, and `progress_bar_column`)
- `table` column `sort_indicator` property (can be `nil`, `:ascending`
[aliases: `:asc`, `:a`], `:descending` [aliases: `:desc`, `:d`])
- `table` column `set_sort_indicator` alias for `sort_indicator=` can
accept an option of `reset_columns: false` to avoid resetting sort
indicator of other columns when setting sort indicator on a specific column
- `table` `header_visible` property (Boolean)
- Fix issue with `table` `selection_mode` getting set to `nil` if not

## 0.7.0

- Upgrade to libui v0.1.2.pre (including newer libui-ng with table
selection API)
- `table` `on_row_clicked`, `on_row_double_clicked`, and
`on_selection_changed` listeners
- `table` `selection` property (including `selection=` attribute writer)
- `table` `selection_mode` property supporting values: `:zero_or_many` ,
`:none` , `:zero_or_one` , and `:one`
- Support `radio_buttons` `selected` value of `nil`, treating as `-1` to
clear selected radio button.
- `examples/basic_table_selection.rb`

Have a good day.


On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 4:39 PM Andy Maleh via ruby-talk < ruby-talk@ml.ruby-lang.org> wrote:

Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.7.4 has been released!

Blog Announcement:
Code Master Blog: Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.7.x Table Selection and Sorting API

GitHub: GitHub - AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui: Glimmer DSL for LibUI - Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Library - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer! - No need to pre-install any prerequisites. Just install the gem and have platform-independent GUI that just works on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

RubyGem: glimmer-dsl-libui | RubyGems.org | your community gem host

Change Log:

## 0.7.4

- `table` `sortable` property (default: `true`) to enable automatic table
sorting support when `cell_rows` is an `Array` (does not sort if
`cell_rows` is a lazy enumerable)
- Fix issue with not auto-checking checkboxes for zero-or-many table
selection in `examples/basic_table_selection2.rb`
- Rename `examples/basic_table_selection.rb` to
`examples/basic_table_selection3.rb` and add new
`examples/basic_table_selection.rb` with automated `table` selection via
`sortable` property (default: `true`)
- Disable automatic sorting by default in `refined_table` (set its `table`
`sortable` property to `false`) since it does not sort over the entire
collection, yet the visible collection only
- Disable `sortable` sorting for `table` `button_column` since it does not
make sense for it

## 0.7.3

- `table` `selection` data-binding support
- `table` column `sort_indicator` data-binding support
- New `examples/basic_table_selection2.rb` that uses `selection`,
`selection_mode`, `header_visible`, and `sort_indicator` data-binding

## 0.7.2

- `table` `on_selection_changed` listener arguments now provide extra
arguments of `selection`, `added_selection`, `removed_selection` after
first argument (`table`)
- Update `examples/basic_table_selection.rb` to use new
`on_selection_changed` arguments of `selection`, `added_selection`, and

## 0.7.1

- `table` column `on_clicked` listener (can be nested under `text_column`,
`text_color_column`, `button_column`, `checkbox_column`,
`checkbox_text_color_column`, `image_column`, `image_text_color_column`,
`image_text_column`, and `progress_bar_column`)
- `table` column `sort_indicator` property (can be `nil`, `:ascending`
[aliases: `:asc`, `:a`], `:descending` [aliases: `:desc`, `:d`])
- `table` column `set_sort_indicator` alias for `sort_indicator=` can
accept an option of `reset_columns: false` to avoid resetting sort
indicator of other columns when setting sort indicator on a specific column
- `table` `header_visible` property (Boolean)
- Fix issue with `table` `selection_mode` getting set to `nil` if not

## 0.7.0

- Upgrade to libui v0.1.2.pre (including newer libui-ng with table
selection API)
- `table` `on_row_clicked`, `on_row_double_clicked`, and
`on_selection_changed` listeners
- `table` `selection` property (including `selection=` attribute writer)
- `table` `selection_mode` property supporting values: `:zero_or_many` ,
`:none` , `:zero_or_one` , and `:one`
- Support `radio_buttons` `selected` value of `nil`, treating as `-1` to
clear selected radio button.
- `examples/basic_table_selection.rb`

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