[ruby-talk:443105] [ANN] perfect-shape 1.0.6 released

perfect-shape 1.0.6 has been released.

- rubygem: <https://rubygems.org/gems/perfect-shape&gt;
- github: <https://github.com/AndyObtiva/perfect-shape&gt;

PerfectShape is a collection of pure Ruby geometric algorithms that are
mostly useful for GUI (Graphical User Interface) manipulation like checking
viewport rectangle intersection or containment of a mouse click point in
popular geometry shapes such as rectangle, square, arc (open, chord, and
pie), ellipse, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic
bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves, potentially with affine transforms
applied like translation, scale, rotation, shear/skew, and inversion
(including both the Ray Casting Algorithm, aka Even-odd Rule, and the
Winding Number Algorithm, aka Nonzero Rule).

Additionally, PerfectShape::Math contains some purely mathematical
algorithms, like IEEE 754-1985 Remainder.

# Change Log

## 1.0.6

- Fix issue with `Path#contain?` algorithm not working correclty when
`Path` contains non-basic shapes because `shapes.count` is checked instead
of `basic_shapes.count`
- Document `PerfectShape::MultiPoint`

Fixed broken links:

- rubygem: perfect-shape | RubyGems.org | your community gem host
- github: GitHub - AndyObtiva/perfect-shape: Perfect Shape is a collection of geometric algorithms that are mostly useful for GUI manipulation like checking containment of a point in popular geometric shapes such as rectangle, square, arc, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves. Also, some general math algorithms like IEEE-754 Remainder.


On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 6:02 PM Andy Maleh <andy.am@gmail.com> wrote:

perfect-shape 1.0.6 has been released.

- rubygem: <https://rubygems.org/gems/perfect-shape&gt;
- github: <https://github.com/AndyObtiva/perfect-shape&gt;

PerfectShape is a collection of pure Ruby geometric algorithms that are
mostly useful for GUI (Graphical User Interface) manipulation like checking
viewport rectangle intersection or containment of a mouse click point in
popular geometry shapes such as rectangle, square, arc (open, chord, and
pie), ellipse, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic
bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves, potentially with affine transforms
applied like translation, scale, rotation, shear/skew, and inversion
(including both the Ray Casting Algorithm, aka Even-odd Rule, and the
Winding Number Algorithm, aka Nonzero Rule).

Additionally, PerfectShape::Math contains some purely mathematical
algorithms, like IEEE 754-1985 Remainder.

# Change Log

## 1.0.6

- Fix issue with `Path#contain?` algorithm not working correclty when
`Path` contains non-basic shapes because `shapes.count` is checked instead
of `basic_shapes.count`
- Document `PerfectShape::MultiPoint`

Andy Maleh

LinkedIn: Andy Maleh - Senior Developer - Lexop | LinkedIn
Blog: http://andymaleh.blogspot.com
GitHub: AndyObtiva (Andy Maleh) · GitHub
Twitter: @AndyObtiva <https://twitter.com/AndyObtiva&gt;