Ruby sidebar for firefox?

Thanks for fixing the sidebar.

However, the referenced documentation still suffers from this flaw in
most cases.

Of course, I have always some options if I decide I really want it
(like mirroring the docs and fixing them or overriding the style in the

Michal Suchanek


On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 05:34:28AM +0900, James Britt wrote:

Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:
>I hope it is obvious that if the page has only partial style it may (and
>will) break with default colors that are different from the author's
>default colors.
>>Are you explicitly overriding page styles?
>No. If I did that, I would see everything perfectly but all pages would
>be the same.

OK, now I understand. Should be better now.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Caio Chassot wrote:


actually, the server admin is lazy to set a proper mime type, so try this link for a direct install:

Great! Thanks!

It may be overkill to write an extension to do it, but it was the only way I found.

I works. A working solution which is a bit of overkill is a lot better than a simple solution that doesn't work. :slight_smile:

Perhaps in the future I could implement a local copy to use when offline.

That in fact might be overkill (but then, of course no one is forced to install something like that). I guess you'd duplicate a lot of material which people alread do have for offline consumption. The pickaxe book for example, or the StdLib docs.

Happy rubying



Stephan Kämper/IT-Beratung
Quality Assurance / Software Test / Data Analysis

Caio Chassot wrote:

If anyone knows of a better way to get the pages added as a true
sidebar, rather than as a bookmark-that-may-be-opened-in-the-sidebar,
please let me know.


actually, the server admin is lazy to set a proper mime type, so try this link for a direct install:

What is this supposed to do? In firebird 0.7, I get a "install script not found" message.



Brian Wisti wrote:

... and some folks would like the results to stay in the sidebar. Any
hopes for configurability in future version?

Well, the idea was to create a firefox sidebar, so the initial concern was that it render well in firefox, and open links in the main window.

It also happens to work if you just load the pages int the main window.

Once the pages, and the code that generates them, settles down, I was thinking of putting it on rubyforge. It's small, so we won't need bittorrent.

Then folks who want a variation can just download and munge up the source.

Oh, by the way. The Ruby sidebar is incredibly awesome. I think it's
the most useful tool for me since the Developer sidebar from Devedge.
Nice job to all parties :slight_smile:

Thanks, and thanks to all those providing the content.


Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:

Thanks for fixing the sidebar.

However, the referenced documentation still suffers from this flaw in
most cases.

Hmm. Things hosted on could be fixed; things hosted on other sites are out of my control.

If I get some time I can see about changing the CSS for the copy of the PickAxe (it apparently does not set the body text nor link colors); the std-lib and core API docs are auto-generated. It seems they do not explicitly set a body text color either.

Of course, I have always some options if I decide I really want it
(like mirroring the docs and fixing them or overriding the style in the

Before you do that, could I trouble you to list what specific problems you see? Might be simpler all around to try to fix it at the source.




Michal Suchanek

What is this supposed to do? In firebird 0.7, I get a "install script not found" message.

It'll install a firefox extension, 0.9 and 0.10 only.

In ProgrammingRuby all text and link colors are unspecified (except
headings) and the builtins.html has a built-in stylesheet and does not
use the global one.

In std and core text color is unspecified and links are fine. But the
link color and visited color are the same (or almost the same). I find
it sometimes helpful if I can see where I were.

Tutorial in ruby-doc-bundle has only link color. No text, background nor

The other references point to other sites so I will only say that the FXruby
book is ok and the ruby cookbook is only missing visited which is not so


Michal Suchanek


On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 11:59:06PM +0900, James Britt wrote:

Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:

If I get some time I can see about changing the CSS for the copy of the
PickAxe (it apparently does not set the body text nor link colors); the
std-lib and core API docs are auto-generated. It seems they do not
explicitly set a body text color either.

>Of course, I have always some options if I decide I really want it
>(like mirroring the docs and fixing them or overriding the style in the

Before you do that, could I trouble you to list what specific problems
you see? Might be simpler all around to try to fix it at the source.

Caio Chassot wrote:

What is this supposed to do? In firebird 0.7, I get a "install script not found" message.

It'll install a firefox extension, 0.9 and 0.10 only.

Ah, OK. I'll try that on another machine with a later version.

